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40,817 sats stacked
stacking since: #24118longest cowboy streak: 1
Lightning fan, and it's the only way Bitcoin will stay relevant. We all know on-chain bitcoin is out of date and behind the times and has failed to evolve. Lightning will save bitcoin from what was looking like a slow and painful demise.
Lol you're a shitcoining shitlib and don't even understand how bitcoin works.
Keep insulting me dude, makes you look so cool and mature! How about you present an actual argument with data/evidence for once? Oh wait, you don't have one.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
BSV seems to be the way according to you :) :) :)
TOTAL SHITCOINER pretending to be a bitcoiner.
what kind of shitcoinery are we talking about?
Kill yourself Darth. You are a horrible person and human being and Satoshi Nakamoto themselves would look at you with disgust and disdain. You go against everything they wanted for Bitcoin.
Welcome aboard!
A fan of lightning but not bitcoin , interesting 🧐