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Let's take a moment to appreciate the head-spinning logic that Biden and Harris are asking voters to accept: that America's economy is stronger than ever—but is also in need of radical government action to substitute the wisdom of bureaucrats for the market's power to determine prices.
The way Kamala ducked Biden, it's easy to understand that she is not more than a self centred ambitious woman who will lie and lie for everything.
Even in India, during the last 70 years of Congress rule, the only slogan was to eliminate poverty. Still I did not understand why the people of India are suffering from poverty.
Its a good question to ask. It seems our system is just so great it is always one election away from destruction. Its a logical hole that I've yet to hear a good argument against.
It seems that these clowns over the decades have done such a terrible job of "running the country" that our population is so dumb they need the messages dumbed down to this level. This is true of both sides. Neither has a hopeful message or new direction that will lead us to a new height of prosperity and freedom. Its all about stopping the other team.
If the Constitution is so great why hasn't it protected us against these clowns? If democracy works so well why is our nation at each others throats every four years screaming our democracy is at stake?
If so called public education is good why do the people need such a dumb marketing message? Why doesn't any politician running for president discuss the federal reserves role in inflation?
These are questions you only hear from libertarians and people in that realm of thought.
Well said. You should be writing for Reason
Those are kind words sir.
I'm trying to avoid clown world lately. As much as one can. Its all so absurd to me and feeling more and more pointless to engage on. I do so here because of people like you and people that might be reachable.
In my experience most of the people I know are either locked into the mind control or never have cared much. The later are much better off in my opinion. There's a small number of people that watch it all as if its pro wrestling but they are the exception.
They certainly are dumbing down the message, think we got down to a low of 3rd-4th grader comprehension level with Trump's speeches:
At least he didn’t confuse gouging with gauging
Haha, did you watch Trump's 'economic' speech last week, I believe it was in NC. He, a "super smart real estate investor", did not know what the words delinquent or default mean. These are extremely basic terms that anyone in real estate (and I'd argue most people outside of real estate) should know. It is just funny at this point.
You point out gouging with gauging, but how many of Trump's gaffes can you name over the years? They are countless, but I imagine from your message, you likely don't watch news sources that expose you to them. Trump is on par with Biden with gaffes, with the added fun of spewing countless lies :)
Counselor, You are being too logical. Politicians and logic doesn't get you very far...lol
Price controls are an old communist tactic. Along with others that K. Harris mentioned, such as a free housing plan for young people. If this woman wins power, we will see the US sink even further into its socialist policies implemented by the Democommunoids, better known as the Democratic-Socialists.
At DMC the propoganda machine is running very fast. I don't understand why so many people turn up there. They are all lying after lying! They don't care about America nor about good for people. The recent reports about Biden misusing his powers to help his son's business aren't enough to say that these leaders are a bunch of just crooks.
This is just politics my friend.
Trump was president for 4 years and said if he is not re-elected in 2020 there will "be a great depression the likes of which we have never seen" and "world war 3". Neither one happened. He is now saying the exact same thing will happen if Kamala is elected.
It is always better to run as the 'outsider' who can be the savior and come in and fix everything. You can promise to drain the swamp, lock her up, negotiate the best healthcare plan, fix social security, etc... (all trump promises) because no one can argue with you as you have no record yet.
The problem now is both candidates have a record. Although I would argue Trump's record is much more 'pinnable' to him vs. Kamala's. He was the president, the buck stopped with him, there was no final decision making authority above him. He filled his cabinet with more swamp creatures, he hired all the people who later said he was unfit for office who he later said were stupid. On the other hand, history (and the TV show Veep) have shown that being a vice president is essentially a zero power position where you wait until a president potentially dies.
I know it seems hard to believe in the political environment as it exists now, where everyone has to pick a team to root for, but I didn't post this to defend Trump, and I doubt Reason did either. Both parties are a disaster. For me, Trump pressuring Powell to cut interest rates to juice the stock market is just one example that I recall, in addition to those you mentioned.
Price Controls are not the answer. Corporations are an easy scapegoat. History proves this. The last time it was tried in the US was 1971, by a Republican president. It was a disaster.
Yeah, I am not doubting your or Reason's intention of posting/writing.
I'm just observing that this is simply how politics works. You portray yourself as the savior who will swoop in and fix everything for everyone. That's just the game as I've observed it over my lifetime.
Agreed price controls are not the answer. However, I think media spinning of the facts is also important to observe. Kamala's proposal (which literally no one has seen, and I would bet has not even been written) is a price gouging proposal.
Most US states already have similar price gouging laws on the books, including very conservative states. From the extremely limited information we have heard from Kamala about this, it appears she wants to implement some type of national version of this so the federal government could also police corporations who price gouge.
Personally, I don't care for it, but I also think it is hypocritical for folks to yell and scream about this national proposal (which again, no one has seen or knows any detail about) vs yelling and screaming to get rid of the laws that are already on the books to prevent price gouging such as:
Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act: § 4-88-301 Alabama Unconscionable Pricing Act: § 8-31-1 South Carolina Unfair Trade Practice Act: § 39-5-145 Tennessee Price-Gouging Act § 47-18-5101 Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Consumer Protection Act: § 17.4627
Lastly, I'd note that without having the house/senate/presidency, basically no law gets passed in modern America (save for Biden's presidency where there were unusually some bipartisan bills passed).
No doubt price gouging laws are on the books of many states. I would argue that price gouging is a euphemism for price control, and it's much more dangerous on the federal level, as it affects everyday interstate commerce, as opposed to the state laws that are limited geographically and usually are only applied in short term, emergency situations.
economist Brian Albretch has laid out clearly why she in fact did, writing that "any policy that gives the government the power to decide what price increases are 'fair' or 'unfair' is effectively a price control system.
In regards to price controls, Kamala has been pseudo (or nearly fully in control) over the past several years. It seems like many are using Biden as the sacrificial lamb here to push a socialistic agenda - sadly so many Americans can't see through this. ALL of the mainstream is pushing Kamala and talking negative about trump.
Election interference
Wow you nailed it. Speechless. lol. It’s a clown world and only Bitcoin can save us!
I don't think so
Where is a discrepancy? No emotions, please.
(To be clear, I am against the price regulation)
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