Known as GLP-1 agonists, these drugs were originally developed to help control diabetes. But there’s increasing evidence that they have other health benefits, beyond controlling weight. They seem to boost heart health, protect the kidneys, improve sleep apnea, and lower the risk of certain obesity-related cancers. Recent studies have also hinted at their potential to treat addiction and even slow the cognitive decline that comes with dementia. As researchers test these drugs for various conditions, they’re trying to untangle the mysteries behind how exactly they’re working in the body—and they have a few theories.
A while back I read about someone's experience on semaglutide/tirzepatide, the active ingredients in these GLP-1 agonists type drugs. They described it as quieting their brain's enough to be able to separate their own internal voice from the one that was making them want to eat more. over time that voice to eat more became a whisper. as long as they continued to take the drug.
I had two realizations. the first, over-eating/obesity is an addiction. not just a physical manifestation of our emotional/mental state. after all our brain releases dopamine, while we eat & after. the second, these type of drugs can be used for addiction recover. If it can help separate the impulse drive, it can be used for so many other applications beyond diabetes & weight-loss. I expected these applications to cover ADHD in the future as well.
Can you think of what other treatments it can be used for that is related to things that trigger our impulse drive? what are humans like without impulses driving us? is this our Soma?
I'm not a fan of chemicals in your body, I think ones persistence is more important if one really want to achieve something. Stop eating after 6pm and keep that schedule for 30 days, you will see pounds falling off, add a walk once day for 10 min and it will shock you how much that matters. As we grow older (you know who I'm talking we keep the same habits of eating, we can't. That need to change. Go back to basic math, calories in, calories out, don't need to count them just be honest with yourself. Eat for lunch whatever heck you want (entire pizza, steak, etc.) but then after 6pm ask your self "Are you hungry?" If yes, eat something small, until you stop being hungry after 6pm. There is no magic pill, or magic shot, you have to work on it. You can take an easy way out of course, but be prepared for consequences, is all I'm saying.
This is true, but also extremely difficult... the mind plays tricks late at night and having family means food is around despite efforts to keep it away. Good runs of the 8-16 rule I've had involve lots of water to help with appetite and going to be dearly before will-power erodes.. which equates to ~9 hours sleep.
while i agree about taking ownership and accountability for yourself, there are some things that you can't fix with will power alone. diabetics need insulin. people who suffer from severe mental disorders, need meds to regulate their own body's chemicals. I think finding the right balance of both is important. There is no one right way to do things. Finding what works best for you is part of the work you do.
Yeah I think this is a big deal. This month I am finally putting an end to my late light snacking in an attempt to get more lean. Ten days in and I can feel the difference big time. I look in the mirror and the belly fat is definitely coming off. I always thought I could out train the late night snacks of popcorn, chips, peanut butter and my favorite cookies and chocolate but apparently I can’t. The craving to snack late after dinner is strong it’s just so pleasing after a long day to snack and relax.
good job @BlokchainB! keep it up! If i may suggest something that has helped me with that same craving:
  • break the habit environment: if you get your cravings while watching tv, maybe you are under stimulated. try doing something else as your decompress from work/life.
  • replace the habit with a healthier habit: find something else that helps release dopamine.
Yeah when I get a craving I chew gum or sip on zero calories sparkling water
My brother has inspired me to hang from a pull up bar. No pull ups just hang as long as possible. My brother has lost 20 pounds over 2.5 years
His work keeps him active too. He works at a golf driving range
While you hang, just try do one full pull up, just one. If you can't that's OK, stress to the point where you can't do no more and remember it where that point is. I guarantee in 30 days you will be able to do one full pull up. Make sure you have a proper grip, the width of your shoulders or a tad wider. The point is, don't stress it, slow is fast :-) I read somewhere that "static weight" (or whatever its called) is way better than fast and repetitive movements. Example is biceps curl , do 5-8 not 5 series of 30-40 but control the weight all the way down, same on the way up, don't swing your back to get it up there, just one slow motion. Find the right weight to do it, for some will be 40 lbs bells for others 15 lbs. If you have the guts to stick to the routine, that is. I'm talking 5-10 min effort, but the key is do that EVERYDAY. This is naturally not bodybuilder's exercise just overall health and stay fit kinda deal. Build it into your routine, right after you brush your teeth for example. YMMV of course.
good job @Bell_curve! keep it up!
@JesseJames makes a good point. a simpler way to look at it is just pushing yourself a little bit more everyday and keep track of the previous progress. small steps forward add up over time. think of it like stacking sats.
I can’t eat pizza or fast food anymore. Even French fries 🍟 have lost their taste.
i feel you, i haven't been able to touch fast food in a decade. it turns my stomach sideways. oh wendy's 😭
Isnt Elon on Ozempic, too? I have heard a lot of bad things about it, especially for skin and organs.
I'm not sure about Elon. If he is, then the impulse control part does not seem to work on him lol.
As for the side effects, I have not looked into it. I always imagine if it's not natural in our body, it can't be good for us long term. I can also see people becoming addicted to these type of drugs because they link them to looking better/feeling better or being more in control.
Im sure more information will come out of the woodworks soon. More and more people seem to be taking it.
definitely agree there. the people that i feel bad for are the ones with diabetes. can't live without the meds, can't afford them either.
Which company manufactures it? I’ll be honest I’m really sceptical.
Here’s some of the potential side effects. Ozempic® may cause serious side effects, including: Possible thyroid tumors, including cancer. Tell your health care provider if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. These may be symptoms of thyroid cancer. In studies with rodents, Ozempic® and medicines that work like Ozempic® caused thyroid tumors, including thyroid cancer. It is not known if Ozempic® will cause thyroid tumors or a type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in people.
There would be a lot less fighting on the internet if everyone had impulse control.
I'm not sure if trolling is linked to impulse or mental disorder lol. I am here for anything that helps both.
Likely both. Trolling is an art. Some people do it really well and are clever about it and others are just unhinged crazies who want to tear down everyone and everything.
it is more enjoyable when it's clever and brings the other person in on it. it can even be therapeutic. like whatever you're bugging out about is not a big deal.
One of the devil's tricks like every other wonder drug, apparently that stuff is making people blind. I wish as much as anyone it was real.
woah blind, you got a link?
definitely a devil's deal:
lose weight, but go blind. finally look the way you wanted, but you can't see it. lol!
Just googled and it's the first I'm seeing the article, I had only heard about it, but Mass Eye and Ear is in my old stomping ground which might be why it came to mind
I'm going to dig into this one later. It read like a fluff piece for their doctors and hospitals.
the two things that stood out to me:
  • they did the study backwards: when you do that you're usually bias to find what you want to find.
  • There are several limitations to the study. Mass Eye and Ear sees an unusually high number of people with rare eye diseases, the study population is majority white, and the number of NAION cases seen over the six-year study period is relatively small. With small case numbers, statistics can change quickly, Rizzo noted. The researchers also couldn't determine if the patients actually took their medication or if they started and then stopped taking semaglutide at some point and how this might have impacted their risk.
I'm not saying they are wrong. I just want to spend more time figuring our where the correlation is and how does one get this rare NAION condition in the first place.
Yea its not like a typical study it started off anecdotal...
MassGen is an elite facility and I wouldn't expect a marketing or a fishing expedition out of them, rather the opposite as they're adjacent to that Cambridge Biotech Capital sphere that's marketing the drugs... Maybe hospitals are being more proactive after the C19 stuff...
Will power, historically the negative of taking the drug usually outweighs the positive, except in extreme cases of course (cancers, stroke, heart disease). It's all about discipline and sacrifice, and once you train yourself to do it; you will be rewarded in other endeavors. The only thing that blocks success is you in the end, no matter the obstacles. Those pills may help in the short term, but they will most likely kill you or hurt you in other ways in the long term.
P.S. I am not a doctor, just married to one. Cheers!
There is some irony in trying to treat impulses with pills.
(Seems like impulses should be treated with life style changes)
is the fact that it's a shot you take make a difference? i'm kidding.
life is hard for everyone and some are looking for help. right or wrong, it's not up to us to judge. we should just observe and take note. i would rather have these drugs available and not need them than need them and not have them.
I do not trust wonder drugs. It is necessary to give time and wait longer to consider side effects. Be careful!
I predict that this class of “wonder drugs” will be found to cause major issues in the next few years. The claims are far too good to be true and after the past few years I don’t trust big Pharma at all.
Try the carnivore diet. A safer, natural and ancestrally appropriate alternative. Red meat makes you feel fuller for longer, contains all of your essential nutrients and can improve or reverse many chronic health issues such as diabetes or obesity .
What are the negative side effects?
You can’t take it forever?
Edit: I saw the comment about thyroid cancer