While you hang, just try do one full pull up, just one. If you can't that's OK, stress to the point where you can't do no more and remember it where that point is. I guarantee in 30 days you will be able to do one full pull up. Make sure you have a proper grip, the width of your shoulders or a tad wider. The point is, don't stress it, slow is fast :-) I read somewhere that "static weight" (or whatever its called) is way better than fast and repetitive movements. Example is biceps curl , do 5-8 not 5 series of 30-40 but control the weight all the way down, same on the way up, don't swing your back to get it up there, just one slow motion. Find the right weight to do it, for some will be 40 lbs bells for others 15 lbs. If you have the guts to stick to the routine, that is. I'm talking 5-10 min effort, but the key is do that EVERYDAY. This is naturally not bodybuilder's exercise just overall health and stay fit kinda deal. Build it into your routine, right after you brush your teeth for example. YMMV of course.
good job @Bell_curve! keep it up!
@JesseJames makes a good point. a simpler way to look at it is just pushing yourself a little bit more everyday and keep track of the previous progress. small steps forward add up over time. think of it like stacking sats.