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edit: too many immigrants from the wrong countries
Are there immigrants from the right countries?
Amy Wax: “Why are successful, peaceful, orderly, prosperous, technologically advanced, democratically sound countries so rare and so few, and why do they clump up in one tiny corner of the globe, namely Europe, the Anglosphere?  We also have Japan, which is a wonder, I think, in many ways, a very admirable country.  Perhaps Taiwan.  And why is the rest of the world essentially consisting of, in various degrees, failed states?  Why do we have a post-Enlightenment portion of the world and a pre-Enlightenment portion of the world?  And I guess, to be really crude about it, you would use Trump’s succinct phrase: Why are there so many shithole countries? Of course the moment you say that, people just get outraged: Oh, my God, you are a racist for saying that. And that, of course, lets them off the hook; they don’t have to answer the question, which is convenient."
In conclusion... There are wrong and right people of any birth, generalizing would be an abstract thought.
The article reminded me of a conversation with a boy, he is darker skinned than me. In Venezuela the word "black" is used as a nickname, in a loving way without any kind of offense. I greeted this boy and said: Hello "black", how are you? - He asked me kindly, I don't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember very well what I said to him, because it is a thought, an idea that is deeply rooted in me. I told him: "Calling you black is not racist. Racist is that you believe that the word "black" is racist. It is your skin color, you can't do anything about it, just accept it, it is not something you should feel offended by, they are just colors." "I am short according to the average height, I am thin according to the average build and I am "white" according to the average skin tones in Venezuela, they have called me all kinds of things: skinny, white, dwarf, small... and what? Does that make me less? Does that make me less capable? Does it make me less intelligent? Is what they tell me a lie? No, it's not a lie, it's my body and I accept it and I don't feel offended if they say it to me in a good tone. Really, it all depends on the context and meaning you give to the words.
There are high culture and low culture. There are enlightened cultures and savage cultures. Look at Haiti 🇭🇹 a failed state. Should America or Europe allow all Haitians to enter and settle in their country? Absolutely not
Yes of course, I completely understand. I like talking about this, thank you. Countries can be seen as homes, no one in their right mind lets strangers into their homes.
I'm sorry if I'm completely off topic, one idea leads to another and so on. Back to the topic, it's hard to know or maybe yes, I don't know. "I only know that I know nothing." Is mixing cultures what leads to an abysmal imbalance? Or is it just easier to blame foreigners? Example: Colombians emigrated en masse to Venezuela in the 60's or 80's approximately, there were millions of them, of course there were Venezuelans who agreed and others who repudiated them and blamed them for everything... years later, communism ruined Venezuela and millions of Venezuelans emigrated to Colombia, now they are the ones who repudiate and blame for everything, every bad thing, every crime, or whatever. Ironically we are sister countries with cultures that are 90% similar. Whose fault is it?
You have to be empirical and look at the data objectively. Who is committing crimes in Paris? Recently a woman from Australia was raped by 5 men of African descent near moulin rouge. Are these men immigrants? If so why were they not vetted for possible violent criminal behavior? Too many people are afraid to ask and answer these questions out of fear of being called racist when it’s not about prejudice.
Crimes are committed all over the world and at all times by nationals and foreigners, but when it is foreigners they emphasize it more. Mind you, that is not the reason I say that we should open the borders without any filter and of course we should punish people who commit crimes, no matter what their nationality is. Can you give me an example of countries that have benefited from migration? Have countries that were colonized and invaded been benefited? I know that with these questions I may be entering into deep waters, but I would really like your arguments to illustrate my knowledge.
I apologize in advance for my ignorant and hippie thoughts.
Of course
USA benefited from immigration between 1890 and 1914. USA Canada Australia New Zealand Singapore Hong Kong and India benefitted from British colonialism. In fact India became poorer after independence in 1948. India would be richer today if they followed the model of Hong Kong and Singapore.
French colonies such as Algeria and Haiti have suffered. The French were terrible colonizers because they didn’t cultivate principles and institutions of self governance. They did a poor job of colonizing unlike the British.
Europe is a mess because they went from almost no immigration to open immigration overnight.
You are right that foreign criminals are treated more harshly but it’s justified because they commit a disproportionate amount of crime; tourists and immigrants should be held to a higher standard because they are guests in a host country. Civility is not an onerous and unreasonable expectation. Foreigners who don’t respect the rule of law should be expelled or deported or incarcerated.
In France 8 percent of the population is Arab Muslim but 50 percent of the incarcerated. It’s not about racial profiling, it’s simple math and statistics.
I find it interesting how you describe Latin America, Africa and Arab countries. Now, who or how did these nations get destroyed? It wasn't from one day to the next, all the deterioration has been due to one consequence after another, dating back to European colonization and invasions. Centuries ago, for example, America, despite being indigenous, had its own language, religion, culture, education, advanced engineering systems that were ultimately lost and destroyed by colonization. Of course, several centuries have passed since then, it is time to overcome it and move forward.