Crimes are committed all over the world and at all times by nationals and foreigners, but when it is foreigners they emphasize it more. Mind you, that is not the reason I say that we should open the borders without any filter and of course we should punish people who commit crimes, no matter what their nationality is. Can you give me an example of countries that have benefited from migration? Have countries that were colonized and invaded been benefited? I know that with these questions I may be entering into deep waters, but I would really like your arguments to illustrate my knowledge.
I apologize in advance for my ignorant and hippie thoughts.
Of course
USA benefited from immigration between 1890 and 1914. USA Canada Australia New Zealand Singapore Hong Kong and India benefitted from British colonialism. In fact India became poorer after independence in 1948. India would be richer today if they followed the model of Hong Kong and Singapore.
French colonies such as Algeria and Haiti have suffered. The French were terrible colonizers because they didn’t cultivate principles and institutions of self governance. They did a poor job of colonizing unlike the British.
Europe is a mess because they went from almost no immigration to open immigration overnight.
You are right that foreign criminals are treated more harshly but it’s justified because they commit a disproportionate amount of crime; tourists and immigrants should be held to a higher standard because they are guests in a host country. Civility is not an onerous and unreasonable expectation. Foreigners who don’t respect the rule of law should be expelled or deported or incarcerated.
In France 8 percent of the population is Arab Muslim but 50 percent of the incarcerated. It’s not about racial profiling, it’s simple math and statistics.