There are enlightened and uncivilized societies. There is a line of demarcation between the first world and the third world. Argentina used to be a wealthy country 100 years ago. Chile became a wealthy country after Allende but it has regressed recently because of socialism. Regarding Native Americans they were savages who stood in the way of progress. Today Native American reservations are depressing: they all receive a government stipend and assistance but suffer from poverty and alcoholism.
There are cultural and intellectual reasons why some societies are wealthy and most are stuck in poverty.
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 28 Jul
that's exactly how it is. and the representatives of decline are standing before our eyes in a glaring light. those who do not recognize the brain disease of culturmaxism are either profiting from it or are infected themselves.
Marxist culture must be extinguished