First things first.... I do not have any degree in anything so my ramblings are simply my personal take on this thing we call life, and while my musings make sense to me I am not so naive as to think they are representative of your reality.
This will likely turn into a longish post but by no means will it be unbearable (as my mind cannot focus for long).
I was lying in bed staring at my ceiling and contemplating this thing, us humans, call life....and specifically how it is we seem to all share a similar reality and what that reality is based upon? That got me thinking about communication and how important that which we choose to communicate to each other is to how we grow and learn and interact with each other....and how (it seems to me) that that which we value and communicate to each other most easily and widely is not necessarily that which is "based" most closely upon actual reality but rather, these "easily communicated" values are simply more readily co-opted by those believing themselves to be better than others and therefor more deserving on controlling the message(s) being communicated - whether that be what is right vs wrong, or what is provable vs provably false...The converse take on that would be - The values that are based most closely upon reality are difficult to "use to one's own advantage" and thus more slow to propagate among the population, but once they gain a foothold, they are much more difficult to co-opt.
  • Again - I am but one lowly human being that occasionally takes some time to contemplate what the fuck we are all doing here and who tries to relate the actions and reactions of systems built upon what we believe to be natural know everything having to propagate from the smallest quantum interactions to the largest systems based ones.
To me humanity has been literally fighting wars over how value is communicated amongst ourselves since the dawn of time... We humans seem to be the epitome of all that is good and evil within our reality - we have all the makings of the most adaptable and adoptable biological organisms ever to have evolved on the face of the planet and yet as a result of our incredible biological evolutionary abilities to seemingly self-actualize we have also adopted/adapted techniques to take the path of least resistance (or maybe I should say most energy efficient??? ie... using fire to help break down our food, or using resources dense in energy to make work easier???)...which I would argue is a skill that led to humans propagating in a manner and at a rate never before seen and which is likely one of the reasons why our particular version of humans have survived and so many others perished.
These abilities of ours to adopt and adapt to the inputs we receive from the outside have allowed us to continue reproducing even through the most difficult of times. Some of which are self-inflicted and a direct result of over-population or over-propagation of cancerous like sects of our population.
~~This is so I sit here typing I feel as though I am on the path to some profound insight into the nature of our reality and yet it seems to be continuously just outside of the reach of my thoughts...almost as if I am in a simulation and we are nothing but an attempt of future human intelleginces to try and ensure we succeed in remaining biological based intelligent animals.
This is probably more due to my biases about the current state of humanity than it is reflective of actual reality but who knows for sure....only time will tell. ~~
Ok back to it - The ability for humans to communicate value in a method that is immutable and verifiable by our future foreseeable selves and offspring is likely to be reflected upon as one of, if not the most important discovery of the current era... whatever that era is defined as by those future humans...
~~ I really think I might be going crazy with this line of thinking.... but it is this line of thinking (or code that I am executing) that is providing me with hope for that before Bitcoin there was very, very little hope. ~~
It is this hope that I believe will help drive us to a future that is based on real value communication. It is pretty clear to me that the future humanity will consist of those among us that prove to me the most efficient at adapting and adopting the Bitcoin ethos (whatever that ends up being). I can't even begin to imagine what future generations of us will depend upon Bitcoin for, what valuable information will be stored in/on the timechain and how that information will be used to shape the future of civilizations to come, but I am sure they are coming, now that we have Bitcoin.
The Commoner - aka The Inevitable Prophecy Cultist
this territory is moderated
the base(d) layer principles in my discovery are the trust and truth that unites us as one. if someone lies, propagates lies, encourages and benefits from distrust, that leads to disunity, conflicts, chaos.
bitcoin the layer 1 protocol, the code, operates on "do not trust, verify." indeed, every tool that people create, has to be verified. i do not have the patience or skill to read the code (i read the releases, sometimes) but i have the desire to learn whom and when to trust in my community.
trust and truth will thrust us forward. we have the moral obligation to propagate the correct knowledge and to expose wrong-doings.
As everything moves to being built on Bitcoin - those aligned most closely will be most successful and those that are simply trying to extract value will be lost to the annals of time
I bet there will be historians in the future analyzing different epochs and blocks within from several decades ago. It is actually pretty crazy to think about - a stamp in time, tick tock next block!
It is absolutely mind bending and yet one of the most important concepts that builders/devs etc... should be keeping in the back of their minds... everything they do is going to be recorded on the blocks for as long as the Bitcoin period exists....
Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Classic Era Medieval Era Early Modern Era Modern Era Bitcoin ??? - 2009 to .....