@16d86e9daa wrote the following as a reply to one of my posts and it got me thinking....
"While many Bitcoin users prefer to hold onto their BTC as a long-term investment, others choose to realize the distinct advantages that Bitcoin payments offer over fiat ones."
The plight of the Bitcoin tribe is one that has never truly been seen in human history....as we have never seen a technology such as Bitcoin before....
The journey that began with Satoshi's release of Bitcoin upon the world has been and will continue to be a journey into the unknown and unforseen. Like it or not Satoshi changed the world that fateful day in 2009 - we are all Satoshi....even Craig Wright - he has simply been proven to not actually be The Satoshi Nakamoto. Whatever, Whoever, Whenever Satoshi Nakamoto is....the world is a better place for their having been a part of it.
Bitcoin is many things, to many people and yet it likely remains an unknown to many, many more...though that scale will eventually tip the opposite way and end with virtually all humanity knowing Bitcoin...at some point along that timechain we are likely to discover other civilizations that don't or can't know Bitcoin as it will not yet be communicable to them. But I digress....
On this planet and during this epoch humanity is still made up of mix of Bitcoiners and those that aren't - and of us Bitcoiners, there is a multitude of dichotomies, of minds within the Tribe (like it or not we are all part of the Bitcoin tribe) and there is no escaping it....once you see it, hear it, feel it, use it....you are a part of something that will never be unknown.
This really is a beautiful thought, isn't it? We are all a part of this Bitcoin thing, that is truly different for each of us and yet holds us all accountable to it in one way or another. Our successes and our failures will be eternally recorded upon the timechain...and those of us that are the most successful at being valued by others will remain pertinent upon the timechains most recent historical recordings and those of us that are foolish or least able to provide value will be lost to the chaos of the past.... It is really almost spiritual in its nature, and yet is cold as ice in its permanence.
There certainly will be Bitcoiners who simply utilize Bitcoin as a savings technology which currently allows them to carry their value around with them wherever they go....and there are certainly those Bitcoiners who utilize the network to provide something/anything that they believe to be valuable to others and which will be proven to be valuable to others through their ongoing ability to record transactions upon the timechain.
The "craig wright's" among us will soon fall away into the history books only to be thought about as fodder for stories to be told about what not to do....or how not to live....families will come and go throughout time - much as they do now - but only those that are net producers and that provide value in the most sustainable manner will be the kings and queens of our futures...as they say the spoils go to the victors....the value of ones bitcoin will be increased through the loss of others bitcoin over time - this is perhaps one of the great ironies of the future of bitcoin.... They who hold the most Bitcoin over time will benefit the most only if the bitcoin held by others maintains its value through its utility and ability to transact... Simply being the only person to have any bitcoin would eliminate its value for others....so you have to find a way to ensure the network is used and usable for as many transactions as possible....however you have to do so in a way that benefits the many vs. simply benefitting the few at the top... A succesful business will share as much bitcoin value with others as it can while maintaining its own value...
I think I may have digressed again?
That's it for now....
I look at it pretty simply - everywhere you can spend your sats, but replace immediately if you have some fiat dry powder. For those on a full bitcoin standard - let the sats flow. For those who have cash, get rid of the cash first, as you want to be positioned toward the harder money.
this reflection on bitcoin's impact and potential future highlights its transformative nature and the diverse perspectives within its community It underscores bitcoin's evolving role in shaping global finance and societal narratives.
When it comes to bitcoin we don’t fear failures Because even if we fall we get up stronger than the one who never tried
Our successes and our failures will be eternally recorded upon the timechain
I love the idea of future historians looking back and laughing at our blundering around.