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Yesterday, I had to sit before screen for almost 11 hours. (Although it's not my daily average which is barely 5 to 6 hours.)
For your guess, it was for two back to back horror thrillers, SN and some personal accounts work.
Just got curious about yours, so why not tell SN...
What's your daily screen time?
Less than an Hour0.0%
1 to 2 Hours2.2%
2 to 4 Hours19.6%
4 to 6 Hours21.7%
6 to 8 Hours15.2%
8 to 10 Hours8.7%
10 to 12 Hours13.0%
More than 12 Hours10.9%
I'm off the screen only when I sleep.8.7%
46 votes \ poll ended
Basically, I'm in front of a screen for my entire workday, plus some post work SN.
I try to break it up throughout the day.
screen time is almost a bad metric. What actually interests is the non-work screen time
If you work 12 hours a day in front of a screen that’s no good for your health….
Ok then tell me about your non-work screen time?
Just out of curiosity: why did you choose to post this in ~oracle?
I wonder if I am missing something about how stackers see ~oracle.
Isn't ~oracle about settling some form of curiosity? I thought because the meaning of Oracle means —
I accept the definition given in the box was about how we view future but I couldn't decide where should I place this post, so I decided to post it here.
2 to 4 hours
On a work day it’s in the region of 7 hours , on a non work day probably 2-3. Too much either way!
It's an average time of this post here. 7 hours is a reasonable amount of on screen time. Very ideal!
my screen time should be about 15 to 20hrs almost every day A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.
15 to 20 is too much! You should very well make it to the record books!
My school communicates almost exclusively via WhatsApp. I cannot detox from screen time even if I want to haha
So, your school doesn't know WhatsApp has so much security and privacy to offer!
Do you submit your lesson plans there as well?
Way too much. But it also depends on my workday. If I am too busy, or dont feel like posting I wont.
This poll is giving us an idea what's the average time. It's around 7 to 9 hours. So if that's there it's not too much.
:( thanks for reminding me
I'm always on the screen. I'm officially living in the matrix.
Do you also do the 'Dodge them'?
I confess I'm a screenholaic!
What! Screen Holic! I think there's some typo in your word.
Way too much. Let's leave it at that. I get in a few walks with my dog every day. I will usually play non screen related games and read with my daughter every day. Now that the weather is really nice I try to sit out on my deck and read for at least half an hour a day. Usually get in a short workout each day that is free of screens. If I have household chores or errands to run those are screen free. Otherwise I am screenful.
That's very nice routine.
Software engineering for me means spending a lot of time at one screen or another. Or in my case, several all day long.
Too much