  • reusable, non-expiring payment requests
  • contact list (Android for now, iOS soon)
  • attach messages to payments
This marks a new step forward in Lightning UX. No need to generate a new QR code for every payment. No need for payer/receiver to interact.
Phoenix Android (soon iOS) also supports contacts. Send money with a click, and associate payments to your known contacts.
Phoenix is solid! And in some ways it's good that it's not in the US AppStore, because it pushes people to :
Wow, @ACINQ just delivers. Need to test that out soon.
So cool, from their GitHub, I was definitely not expecting BOLT12 support so soon. Gonna have to try it ASAP.
I suppose now we can head to https://twelve.cash, create a lightning address and call it a day.
ive yet to have twelve.cash successfully receive sats, have you? ive tried with phoenix and with ride the lightning setting up the offer, but i never can pull an invoice when i put in the address
Sadly I just tried it with Phoenix and it didn't work. 🥲
22 sats \ 0 replies \ @cw 4 Jul
At the moment only Zeus supports bolt12 and bip353
I feel like Bolt12 on Phoenix could almost replace BTC Payserver. Just a static QR code for payment then then some kind of REST request to Phoenix if it has been payed?
Bullish! I saw Zeus's announcement recently as well. Exciting stuff!
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 3 Jul
Good news!
Are we all going back to using Phoenix in the US?
We never left. It’s nonsensical to stop using Phoenix because of a simple removal from an App Store. That’s the extent of their change… Phoenix never stopped working. This isn’t a follow the mob group of people, I hope. If it works (allows you to make tx) then it works. Do you not them
Great points and well stated
Freedom-oriented people using walled garden devices/OS aren't serious
Awesome! Can't wait to add this to my electrum server to receive tips.
Nice upgrade.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.