The ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory was first coined by French writer Renaud Camus. Identitarian movements across Europe (including in Austria, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany) have used the theory to recruit others to their cause, claiming their countries and national “identities” are under threat due to increasing immigrant populations.
The theory has also spread into North American and Australian extreme-right circles. The theory featured heavily in – and was the title of – the “manifesto” of the Australian perpetrator of the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2019, for example.
Related narratives and terminology These narratives feed into a dystopian, conspiratorial theory that spurs xenophobia and racism. It has mobilized into violence, evident in the attacks on the Muslim community of Christchurch in 2019.
White Genocide or White Extinction The idea that there is a conscious effort to replace white populations through immigration, integration, abortion and violence against white people. While similar to the ‘Great Replacement’ theory, white genocide was coined and popularized in the US by David Lane (see also “14 words”). White genocide theory historically singles out Jewish communities as its “orchestrators”.
Eurabia A conspiracy theory that argues Western countries are being “Islamized”, or slowly being brought under Islamic rule. “Islamification” and “Shariafication” imply the same.
It seems that this is a conspiracy theory that comes from a long time ago, and today without any doubt we are seeing, especially in Europe, how this supposed conspiracy theory, which for me has little conspiracy, is being fulfilled.
Let's start who coined the term "conspiracy theory".
They also coined this as a theory of the ultra-right, I'm not surprised.
This theory of replacement via immigration is correct. Conspiracy or no conspiracy is irrelevant
Exactly, it doesn't matter how you label it, the important thing is the content that comes to show us, only a naïve person would say that this is uncertain and that it is not happening.
All these people and theories are probably missing the point. The root cause of these immigrations is the bloated state which gives away freebies (taxed from the current population or on credit for future generations) to anybody, regardless if they contribute or have any invention to do their part in the system. I am surprised people are not more outraged by being so much screwed, remove the free money and immigration will come back to only absorbing producers which giving value to the host country
In my country, certain immigrants are given full pensions and government aid, which means that they do not even consider working and helping the productive fabric of the country, today I was seeing some data and only 22% of the people who come from that part of the world are currently working and contributing to the country, and I would swear that 22% is the population that has been in the country before all this began.
As a white male, i try to picture if myself and my white friends were to go to Costa Rica or El Salvador, would we be replacing the indigenous population?
I just look at everything as one big world. I don't think there is a purposeful movement to replace certain groups - rather people come to this country of different ethnicity as in the U.S. we have the worlds reserve currency, and it gets 5 times the purchasing power of their local currency.
The problem in our world is the money, and once this is fixed, I think people will go to areas in the world they enjoy. Replacement looks at the glass half empty - people are motivated by self interest.
The thing is, as I see it, the problem is not these ethnic groups, they are not to blame for being sent to another country or having to emigrate to find a better life, the thing is that there are supposedly interests behind that seek this, I'm not saying that it is so, but the probability is very high.
I live in a country where I have seen this for the last 6-7 years, where there is no type of immigration control, in this period more immigrants from a certain country have arrived than in the last 5 decades, and in addition, the governments give them full pensions without having to work and the level of crime has increased a lot, and when I say a lot it is almost tripled, ok, the problem here as you say is also money, take away the power of money from them and this cannot be like this, but it is complicated, I think everything is orchestrated.
One big world? Utopian vision
I didn’t know it had a name but I think there is some truth in it. For example if you look at the US border situation. And also what we’ve seen in my town.
However the reasons for allowing mass uncontrolled migration might be more to do with elites wanting to destroy societal cohesion so they can remain in control rather than an attack against a specific ethnic group for racist reasons.
Third world immigrants are not skeptical dissidents.
White people especially conservatives are annoying with their demand for private property rights protection
It could be that the elite sees the white race as a threat, although I think this may be nonsense because I think a lot of this elite may be white, I don't know, it's all too disturbing.
Self loathing whites and Jews
This is most likely, the hatred comes from a long time ago
'Islamification' is real. It's not a conspiracy.
Douglas Murray
Those of us who live in Europe know that this is true, and there is too much evidence...
I just heard about this lately. This has to do with the he/she thing that I was talking about earlier. The person was telling me that she is only considering marrying a minority so that her child is more minority than white. I thought it was some crazy shit, but I guess it has reached everywhere.
I don’t mean to nitpick here… she can marry a minority but then have a child with her white lover(s)
She is half white so I dont really understand her logic...
Why does she want her child to be less white?
I know, its crazy. She said something about depopulating the white people.
You provided evidence for what @riberet19 and others have been saying about replacement of white people in the west.
There is definitely a conspiracy and it’s fact not theory
Where does this woman live? Which country? It’s not USA 🇺🇸 is it lol?
It is the US. Younger generation. They have crazy ideas. What do they call them, SJW? Social justice warrior?
I think the brainwashing of woke thinking has to do with this, all these ideas come from somewhere, it's been brainwashing the population for a long time, why should white people be eliminated? Is it just a collective delirium or does it have something to do with mind manipulation and brainwashing?
I don’t mean to sound like a chauvinist… women embrace extreme political movements.
Affluent white female leftists are AWFL, pronounced “awful”
Women’s suffrage was connected to the temperance movement which was political not religious.
Prohibition of alcohol sales was possible because women voted for it. Around 2 million American men didn’t vote in 1917-18 because they were in France 🇫🇷 and Belgium 🇧🇪
I dont know man, I think many people embrace extreme political movements when they agree with them. Not only women.
Yes, that is the same thing I thought when I heard it. I was thinking, "Is this shit really coming out of her mouth?"
Someday I suppose they will realize that they have been severely manipulated, I suppose they will realize when it is too late.
Many are already brainwashed with propaganda.
Camp of the Saints was written in 1973
Same theme of immigration especially non European will destroy Western civilization
Open border advocates like Bryan Caplan should move to the third world.
Is it a book? Can I find it somewhere?
I think my friend sent me a PDF
Let me check my computer 🖥️
I found it !
I can also send you the epub file which reads like a book vs PDF
Thanks mate :D
The original version is French
If you go to my profile page you will see my views on immigration
Remove kebab lol
Alternative fur Deutschland – Germany
AfD is a German political party that is anti-Muslim and anti-immigration. AfD purport Islamophobic conspiracies of “Shariafication” and incompatibility of Islam with the West. In a recent political campaign, AfD visualized this narrative in large posters that read “Europe must not become Eurabia”.
I just saw your edit, I'm going to check your profile, are you German?
I am also totally against Eurabia, and culturally Europe and the Muslim peoples are incompatible, I don't need any politician to come and affirm that to me, you see it every day in the streets of Europe...
American but I am a big fan of AfD
You know it’s bad when tourists notice the immigration problem in Germany
I forgot to mention all the wars between Islam and Europe such as
The Crusades Battle of Tours in 732 Fall of Constantinople in 1453 The Moorish conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 720
Plus all the terrorist attacks and bombings in Europe and America
Exactly, wars are nothing more than one more proof of our misunderstandings as cultures, we are not compatible, but some hands are pulling the strings that promote this, they want to see the West destroyed, the reason, I don't know...
Look, I found this 1975 version in English on, can you confirm if this is the book you are talking about?
Edit: I just saw that you have shared the link, thanks!
I like the youth in this thread who have never heard a name for this evil plan.