let's explore my funding plans/ideas...again I am in no way stating this is the only way to do this, just that it is the way that working for me:
I have a fixed rate 30 year mortgage on a 4 unit building...entered into this agreement back in 2016 somewhere around 3.75% interest - my loan payments are about $1170/month plus about $175/Month for insurance and $900/month for taxes...yes my taxes nearly exceed my loan payment and likely soon will exceed it...my expenses....lights/common area heating/hot water etc...and maintenance (which I do myself) add about another 300/month
Totaling - about 2545/month all in....not too bad for 4 units bring in about 4800/month - I am able to save about $2200/month - or 24,000 year so with one tenant paying me in bitcoin I could easily have another one paying in BTC or all 4 paying half their rent in BTC and meet my FIAT obligations - (this is basically so I don't have to sell BTC to pay FIAT only bills)
I know - I got a steal on my building, I hit the timing just right, I have 27 years of experience in the field...most people will not make out like this....but even so... I am simply trying to use my experience as an example...your debt coverage may be higher or lower...no matter what you are probably thinking the same thing I have about many times.
How to pull some of that money out of my property and put it to better use...cause if you know anything - you know that USD sitting in an investment is still losing its purchasing value in the future so you want to maximize your leverage....and that is a feedback loop I am glad to have never fallen into...as when you maximize your debt you have to maximize your rent...constantly pushing the cycle forward into the future...the debt into the future for future generations to take on...
Bitcoin gives us all the ability to break this cycle - instead of rolling that "surplus cash" into more debt and higher rents you can roll it into Bitcoin and it immediately turns that paradigm 180 degrees and instead of constantly refinancing the debt to pull cash out to do capital improvements or go on vacation...you can pull the value of your Bitcoin reserves out to do these things.
Now this is of course if you believe in the NGU technology of Bitcoin (which has of course proven itself over the its entire life cycle to date....but hey....maybe you want to wait until it has proven itself out over 30 years, or 60 years.... Though you likely won't have that long....as banks figure out this concept the loans you try to get on your "equity" will carry such high costs that you will not pencil out the deal...and you will be forced to begin using Bitcoin and will be that much further behind the early adopters....
I think the key for me was the concept of "Keeping the End in Mind" - what I mean by that is this.... I have drank the kool-aid, I believe in Bitcoin 100% and if Bitcoin is going to do what it does....The future of all value expression will be based on a Bitcoin Standard...if that is true, then this model works....100% of the time and (this is the part I just recently realized) LITERALLY INDEFINITELY INTO THE FUTURE.... Just think about that...If your Bitcoin continues going up indefinitely into the future your business (if not overly leveraged in the FIAT system) will become an indefinite asset so long as it is providing value to others.... In fact you will be able to constantly pull Bitcoin value out of your business or asset as that value in Bitcoin rises.
Just sit with that thought for a few minutes - cause it totally breaks my mind.... The Bitcoin I hold in reserves for my property right now will always increase in value (as long as Bitcoin stays decentralized and secure) and as it continues going up in value I will need less and less of it to fully capitalize the building....which means I can charge less and less for rent as well... If this doesn't "break your mind" I don't know what will...
This literally works for any business, any person, anything.... More to come later.... My mind is melted