This literally works for any business, any person, anything...
Yes, it works where you are right now. There are still many places where Bitcoin is not even known to 99.9999% of people so, it's really difficult to realise a business in such places. Can you suggest something on how to start a business that accepts Bitcoin on such places ?
You may be right in that Bitcoin might not be known....but I have found in my experience "where there is a will there is a way!"
It all starts with you....or the person you know that is running a business.... I would need a few more details on your specific situation to give you the best information I can...but again if this is something you are interested in the solution is likely built out there already... There are likely people willing to help make it happen for whoever wants it to happen? there are companies out there that are building products for access to the Bitcoin network in all sorts of unique ways... but again it all starts with that 1 person