So I would say I was the first to take the Orange Pill in my family, but my mom followed suit right after. I would say we think alike in many ways and we share an awesome relationship where we share ideas with each other constantly. Thus, I didn't even have to put much effort into Orange Pilling her to be honest, just explained to her my conviction and she was in, even dabbled in a bit of trading shit coins early on lol. My dad is also an interesting case, in that he doesn't care all too much for money. I've never seen him stress over financial things. Therefore, he's never been against Bitcoin but he also doesn't understand the grand significance of it. However, lately I've been paying my rent to him in bitcoin and the volatility of it seems to entertain him greatly so maybe when it hits $100k he'll ask me to teach him about it.
Interesting, for some the volatility is entertaning while with others it strikes a fear mechanism. Cheers on this!