I have seen many times enthusiasts of this technology express things like “I love bitcoin <3”. But I don't think they mean they love the money. At least not consciously.
I can understand from a technology point of view that bitcoin is like a magnet and once attracted it can be hard to detach. There is so much to discover and develop. I can understand someone loving money as such, why not. Although the concept of loving money causes me to dislike it, as the image of some greedy billionaire automatically pops into my head.
It is also common, or so it seems, for proponents of libertarian, economic liberal or anarchic tendencies to be attracted to bitcoin. The promises of decentralization, privacy or anonymity are potent. I personally fail to identify with any movement or specific characters or leaders.
Bitcoin is such a strange thing, it generates such contradictory things as these groups based mainly on individualism now want to create community through bitcoin. I think the greed and avarice that inherently accompany money have done enough damage to the world already. For the time being I will be careful about saying I love bitcoin.