To a degree I think that I did. To a point. I don't know if any of you grew up without an allowance, but I remember spending my first dollar. Having your own money means you don't have to beg. It means you aren't just subject to the whims of whatever decisions are made for you. In that sense, I did love money. Then I found out that my savior was just another farce to make me feel as if I had gained independence when really I was just a subject to a new master.
To give an example of why I love Bitcoin, when I thought of charity's before, I thought of them as fools errands. You only make people dependent upon you, and you need some external mechanism to fund your operation. If you do build people up, they leave for opportunities elsewhere and the charity can not self sustain in that way either (it can not continue to help other people).
Then you have Bitcoin. You start to realize, that actually, if you stay within a budget, you can spend for the charity and every year buy the same things always with less Bitcoin, but never out of money. Then, when you build people up, even if they leave for better opportunity, if they are still saving in Bitcoin, they are still helping you indirectly to continue your operation as a charity. Then you look at Bitcoin beach in El Salvador and the self sustained effort of that project and you realize that this really can change the world.