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This is interesting perspective. You don't see the difference in respondant behavior resulting in different treatment in the documents cases?
I think the differences that people point out can be used in both directions and only really serve to muddy the waters. All prior presidents have taken documents with them and they've all refused to turn over certain documents when ordered to do so. It turns into a negotiation with the Federal records officers.
The point is that in case after case Trump is treated differently by the regime than all seemingly similar prior cases.
On any specific case, reasonable arguments can be made for why it's different this time, but I think there's a clear signal that can be read through all the noise: most presidents are given as much benefit of the doubt as possible, while Trump is given the least.
Yeah, but you have to agree he did the most and of the kind of stuff the masters don't like. I get why he is popular, but that is also why he won't make it.
They are two sides of the same coin flipped by the same hand.
Don't be fooled.
I'm not at all convinced that Trump has done more shady stuff than any of the others.
I'm not saying he didn't, but I don't know how we're supposed to assess this when the asymmetry of treatment is so great.
Do you really think Trump has done more illegal stuff than the Clintons? That would surprise me if it were true.
I have always thought the Clintons were shady. Glad the woman didnt make president!
Hell no. Bill Clinton is the devil! But I don't let that push me to another devil. What you don't seem to get is they are on the same team. They want you having this fight instead of us getting together and dealing with them all.
If you think I'm on Trump's team, you are very mistaken. I'd love to see him tried and executed for war crimes.
However, if I'm asked to weigh-in on whether he gets treated the same as other past presidents, I'm not going to pretend that he does. The double standard is clear as day.
If we focus on the money we will change all this! We will change the incentives that creates the system the political class exploits!
He is getting raked over the coals. But it is over the things that he has done.
Great! Sorry if I confused you with his talking points. You present them well.
Hillary is worse than Bill. I think