I am not saying those things are right, but it was during a period when it was accepted. Judging the past based on our beliefs now, we will always find fault.
You're missing the point.
Selective enforcement like this is a huge problem. If he's only being prosecuted because his name is Donald Trump (as many people believe), that is a miscarriage of justice in and of itself, regardless of whether he's guilty or not.
You are right, selective enforcement is a problem. But because he was selected, now there is a precedence and others will be scrutinized, too. They arent accusing him of being guilty of things he didnt do.
They arent accusing him of being guilty of things he didnt do.
I actually think this is, at the very least, quite debatable. Many of the investigations into Trump fizzled out and many others have relied on "novel legal theories" (aka he didn't break the crime as it was generally understood when it was written).
He was found guilty of falsifying business records.
I’m aware, it’s not the only thing they’ve investigated him for, though.
It very much seems like they’re accusing him of everything they can think of and seeing what sticks.
Maybe... He will appeal, though. He might be able to get it overturned. I dont think the public really cares though, he can still run for 2024.
If the appeal is successful, will that now mean that they were accusing him of something he didn’t do?
It just means they will look at the case more closely and retry it. Right?