tbh, As a middle aged Black American man, it is funny (both strange and humorous at times) to see white people complaining about our long-standing disadvantages.
It's like oh, it was ok when it was us for 150 years, but NOW it's a problem.
Funny you say used to happen to Black people. This wasn't ancient history!
Funny you say used to happen to Black people. This wasn't ancient history!
It was not my intention for it to come out that way. The specific examples I was thinking of were more prominent in the past, but I'm not trying to imply that they weren't also more recent and current examples.
Drug law enforcement was the other main example I was thinking of and drug enforcement is thankfully relaxing across the country.
If I weren't me, it might never have been pointed out. Even though you didn't intend it. You said it. This is common.
Discrimination happens alot still.
There is a lot of white privilege. But to tell you the truth, I feel a majority of people, or friends in my case, do not ever have to leverage that.