Yeah that was quite the shot. His eye was already swelling up.
Kids got art class, on chauffeur duty and can't catch the game. It's over for the Pacers anyways.
What’s going on in these series?
NBA turning into MMA because the losing side knows it's over. Might as well get some shots in just to feel good.
Are you ready for Olympic Nembhard?
What country is he playing for?
The gold medal winning team.
If he’s a core rotation player, that seems unlikely.
He is going to hit the game winning shot tonight and in the gold medal game in August.
I’m surprised you expect it to be that close.
I just dropped to 5th despite the fact that cristaiji who is now in 4th hasn’t commented or posted in 4 hours. Also there has been no comments added to his posts in the last 4 hours.
Are we being punished for shooting the shit about the game?
Feels like he didn’t jump up, I was just pushed back.
Tonight or the gold medal game in the Olympics?
I don’t think it was intentional
If it was, Jackson should audition for some Kung Fu movies.
Just imagine if one of the dirty players were still in it.
Draymond would be punching everyone in the balls.
I for one am glad the playoffs are physical. Not saying guys should get kicked in the face or punched in the balls but as the song says “let’s get physical”.
I didn’t even see what happened until the second replay.