The gold medal winning team.
If he’s a core rotation player, that seems unlikely.
He is going to hit the game winning shot tonight and in the gold medal game in August.
I’m surprised you expect it to be that close.
I just dropped to 5th despite the fact that cristaiji who is now in 4th hasn’t commented or posted in 4 hours. Also there has been no comments added to his posts in the last 4 hours.
Are we being punished for shooting the shit about the game?
Feels like he didn’t jump up, I was just pushed back.
Top posts are based on being in the top third of all posts. One possibility is that a bunch of recent posts haven't had much engagement and some of his posts or comments got pushed into "top" status.
I noticed last night too. I was 7th about half an hour before the rewards day ended and then I was 9th when it finalized so 2 stackers jumped above me at the last minute.
I never used to pay attention to any of this stuff until they added the leaderboard.
The other possibility is that you lost ground in your standings in one of the categories. It looked like you had a busy day commenting. It might be that a few of those comments got bumped out of "top" status.
For whatever reason, I tend to climb slightly at night, even though I'm not all that active. I've noticed that I often start the day much lower than I finish, whereas it seems like you jump right up to the top 10 as soon you get on.
Tonight or the gold medal game in the Olympics?
You’re right. Canada likely up by 30 in the 4th.
What’s with TJ McConnell? Hell of a run in the past couple games.
He's joined Josh Hart on my Role Player 1st Team, during these playoffs.