Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
You've posted some serious stuff!
So, you mean you comparing God to electricity?
Or you mean that we shouldn't ask the existence of something that's invisible?
I would recommend you watch 'Oppenheimer'.
I slept in so late today. Heard this DT bs about Ross Ulbricht. What a way to buy votes.
Donald Trump Pledges to Protect Bitcoin Self Custody & Free Ross Ulbricht
STOP MAKING POLITICIANS GAME! You are the prey and you fall for their trap every time you give them attention!
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! @remindme in 1 year
Free Ross Ulbricht it's based on his word. And if He's not killed in the process. If he intends to restore individual rights, then the obvious choice would be to end the Federal Reserve.
Re-architecting our payments around non-custody is a slog, especially when you consider how numerous all our tiny payments in their varied contexts are, and the UX-inventions required, but it's liberating to think about where we'll end up. The great weight of liability is replaced by a protocol-reinforced foundation for less permissioned transactions in our micro-economy. SN becomes just a weird social economy for once and the money is unencumbered. We always knew we'd have to do something like this, but it feels like a reinvention and the wallet ecosystem is much more poised to handle it.
We'll definitely suffer from being Bring Your Own Wallet at first, and in some ways that we'll never fully fix (ie being a person's first lightning wallet if they don't have one), yet I think a borderless wallet experience will be super refreshing fully expressed.
To me this is one of the most interesting problems of the internet. You certainly aren't doing ho-hum things here. Very interested to see how you end up building it.
I’m a little nervous about the change, but I trust you guys and I get why it has to change.
@saylor #Bitcoin held by 28 Spot ETFs is approaching 1 Nakamoto.
What is a Nakamoto?
1 million whole coins. First I heard the term, but it's obvious what it refers to.

Accepting movies suggestions for tonight!

What's your more recent and memorable one?
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 25 May
thanks, I'll definitely watch it, however look's more like a documentary than a movie
compilation of Bitcoin clips from this week:
BREAKING BITCOIN | Hugh Hendry, Michael Saylor, Jack Mallers, Breedlove-Gate & Bitcoin Pizza Day
Having the top post for the day is a gift and a curse. It's wonderful to get all the zaps and have great interactions with folks. It rockets you up the leaderboard and you get a nice amount of sats rewards at the end of the day.
But damn it took me an hour to go through notifications. @siggy47 how do you do this every day?
When a post takes off like that, it seems like it takes pretty much all day to keep up with the discussions.
Yes, I spent a lot of time last night responding to people and then this morning it took another hour to respond and zap everything that came overnight.
Surprisingly low zap total for the number of zappers and amount of engagement. I've been noticing that with my top posts, too.
I think there's a very small number of very large zappers. If you don't catch their attention, it's hard to get past about 2k.
119 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 115 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Very good morning, best of luck
Memorial Day party in my subdivision. Let freedom and freedom tech reign!
Embracing sacrifice today for a brighter, decentralized tomorrow...
Good morning stackers.
Day 118 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
I've been switching to doing all 100 at night in 1 go for the past 3 days. Feels more challenging and still struggle on the last 10 or so, but hopefully it will increase my strength more by making the switch.
Very good morning, best of luck
Day 120 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 224 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 123 of 120+ pushups per day)
It feels like sats to posts are raising and raising in all territories...
We're early in the price discovery process. Expect volatility and pay attention to what signals you're sending.
I'm sending signals?
All the time
Day 159 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 293 sats on 24May2024! Running total: 95,112 sats!
I'm feeling very Zen this morning.
the peace when you no longer care about the price:)
I didn't really care about it before, but now I have the peace of not even being aware of it.
Use the extra energy and time to work on the harder problems when most ppl still asleep 👀
now I am reading and doing research on how people traded things with each other during the silk road time, I sense it would come back again:)
That sounds very interesting. I hope it turns into an insightful post for us to enjoy.
lazy stacker spotted 👀
the more I learned about silk road, the more I realized that, all those years of my traveling but was only hit the superficial layer...what was I even thinking!
and then everything is linked, how the empires worked and influenced the trades, then how the modern gov formed and controlling the trades with fiat money, Bitcoin enable ppl freely trade with each other again... learning from the past can better predict the future:)
cc wise @anon to chip in.
The best way to contact me is to meet me in my dreams…
Ok I will come and meet you ASAP.
We have a little pond in our back yard. I stock it every couple of years with feeder fish from the pet store. I figure they're very inexpensive, and I give them a few years of life before they are big enough to provide a meal for a passing heron or egret.
That's good that they are inexpensive. But I want to ask you another question. Have you ever felt compassion for the fish?
Kicking off the long weekend and going to spend the day doing yardwork and errands. Nice to have an extra day to recover (which I'll probably need).
I'm happy to say all our planting is done. Now I get to sit out on the deck with a nice cold drink and watch the deer destroy all our work.
It's rabbits who do damage to our stuff (usually). The planting's done (mostly), but I've got so much mowing and trimming to do.
The little critters like rabbits and chipmunks don't do much harm here, thanks to all the red tailed hawks :)
I've just started using our herbs. The dill and parsley came in fast.
We keep all our herbs on the deck in big pots. The deer won't climb stairs (yet).
That's my theory as well. I actually have everything on our deck, after last year's massacre. So far so good.
Smullyan was one of the greats.
I used to have one of his puzzle books, probably it’s still somewhere at my parent’s place. I liked it. I am not so much familiar with his other work and life though.
Aside from his puzzles (which I adored), he wrote great books on math problems and theorems, and some pop philosophy that I really enjoyed. And lived into his '90s, so we got a lot from him.
Actually, "dying" will happen in your lifetime, being dead won't.
Needlessly Pedantic Man to the rescue.
Should we be worried then?
To the extent it's within your control, yes. From what I understand, it's fairly unpleasant.
I haven't been in the saloon for a while. I hope everyone's well. Been managing a bit of a brain burn for the last few months, and slightly re-balancing my priorities to better prepare for the future. Heading to Reno, NV next week to attend a two day inverter and off-grid power management training. Hoping to meet a couple local bitcoiners while there. I also approach the half way point in my saving for a long trip to Brazil to visit cousins, meet local bitcoiners, and researching the local yachting scene. (my current profession is yacht service technician)
Have a great weekend!
I had trouble sleeping last night, which could be due to late coffee with a friend ( 11pm ) or things in my mind, then I was still awake till the morning prayer ( about 3am ) sharing one fun hack here: you can kind of guess the time by listening to the prayer.
I then enjoyed my time listening to it, call to prayer is always live, not recorded by the way, it was about 6 voices from the different mosques around calling ppl to wake up and pray, but beautifully, then I fell asleep and can't remember next, but wow, it was really nice, like music and the interesting thing is it's quite loud in the morning, but you don't feel it's noise and it gives you peace in a way, because it's going on as usual, and five times a day, similar with Bitcoin.
Howdy! Hope you’re having a great weekend! Day 16 of my 10000 steps daily challenge on its way.
Heartburn can really ruin your day
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 25 May
What happened?
Heartburn lol
It is said that a good student learns from his teacher so that he can pass the teacher and become even better.
However, Nikos Kazantzakis, a Greek author, says that the teacher also learns from the student, or he must learn from the student, he must learn how the student thinks, what he thinks, what he likes, and so on... So that he can be able to understand the worldview of the student and to find the right methods to convey knowledge to him.
What does @cryotosensei think about this?
Absolutely. Broadly speaking, children and teens play a lot of games like Call of Duty and Mobile Legend and Roblox, so the current educational trend is gamification, in which students complete quests and score points while learning concepts. It is hoped that doing so will make their learning more engaging, so they will focus better and remember more.
On a personal level, teachers must know their students’ preferred learning styles so that they can help the latter learn better. For instance, I focus on getting dyslexics to receive information via infographics and videos because they are more attuned to acquiring knowledge through their visual and auditory intelligences. After all, we are not imparting content, we are moulding unique individuals.
Absolutely, students keep you alert as they make questions, which triggers your learning. Always a good idea to be surrounded by young people who keep challenging you.
guys, @DarthCoin still doing the work and sharing Bitcoin tips even though he hurt one of his fingers, so what's your excuse? 😂😂
Who can be compared to @DarthCoin? 🤔
no and no need, everyone is unique!:)
deleted by author
On Friday afternoons, before I leave the office, I panic for a moment that over the weekend I will want to continue reading some book left on the desk, lest I lose that pleasure when solitude and that undefined state, similar to that of creativity, when you feel that something is going to happen, create a fusion with the text you are reading. But it can also happen that while moving around the house, your eye catches it (the right book) and, as soon as you start reading it, you relive the same feeling as when a casual touch of your girlfriend's fingers or a caress of your hands causes an electric discharge and an irresistible lust, an explosion that leaves you tasting a special pleasure...
151 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 25 May
Let's face this Saturday summer heat 💥
Good morning Stackers!⚡☕🧡🌞
Borrowed this book because a Finn friend I met on Reddit recommended it. I’m still incredulous at how Finland is regarded as the world’s happiest country for 7 straight years.
To what extent does the environment you live in play a part in your happiness? I think it’s worth considering.
Day 29 of posting till the next Bitcoin halving.
Day 406 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
My philosophy of life in three lines… Ad maiora semper!
Don't leave your coffee for too long and then be surprised why it's cold. I'm not talking about coffee.
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 25 May
Drink cold coffee instead! 😂😂
Yeah 🤣🤣
hahha, problems?
Problem is complaining about small things 🤣🤣
Just learned that there is a new law in Turkey saying that any business accepting direct bank transfers ( IBAN ) from customers is illegal, and would be fine if it got caught - their money their rules...
Some background story: many small businesses usually prefer you send to their ( personal ) bank accounts or pay with cash here because business tax is too high, so the new law clearly targets this; Imaging if an honest craftsmen or ladies making things at home just trying to do his / her work and being told that needs to buy the POS so to charge which is quite expensive...I mean at the end of the day "the price" will back to the customers; it's quite sad that the government is not trying to solve the current inflation but keep finding ways to get more tax.
However, I see this more like a massive pilling opportunity because real entrepreneurial people would always find a solution for unwanted problems!
Bitcoin indeed takes away many unwanted problems, so simple that many ppl can't see it, weird.
LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 speed to 7min