Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Unsure whether the person who designed this doormat had a great sense of humour Or just bad English Either way, made me chuckle :)
made an emoji on nostr, in purple and green
@cryotosensei Im not even on the board now.... Lets see how far I can make it tonight!
Its always weak. Especially when you live in a different time zone.
Happy zapping
We will see where it goes. I always enjoy the discussions we have :)
Everyone, tell me your thoughts! #550529
I am watching Jeopardy. They asked the question "January 3, 2009 is the birthday of what technology?" One guy said blockchain, the other two gave other incorrect answers. They marked everyone wrong, saying the correct answer was bitcoin. Then, after the commercial, they reviewed the response and deemed blockchain as correct.
Yes, both answers were correct.
Some Bitcoin Shortcuts for your Node.
bitcoin-cli getblockcount Quickly verify blockchain tip (last block).
bitcoin-cli getmempoolinfo Information about your local mempool.
bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo A bitcoiner's favorite: sums up all utxos in order to get the current bitcoin supply.
bitcoin-cli -netinfo 4 Shows a live dashboard of your peer connections and the Bitcoin Core version they're on.
bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction <txid> true Shows information about a specific transaction and you can check if it has been included in a block and how many confirmation it has. (easy way to verify your own txs without loading a wallet)
This was useful to me, some observations and questions:
bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo
...Wondering what it would take to get a progress bar on this one.
$ bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo { "height": 845024, "bestblock": "000000000000000000003717c032ce1934f194b7079ea6182e477fdaaab27413", "txouts": 182090311, "bogosize": 14002428244, "hash_serialized_3": "739f6cf2037b4c8222891be62511f7e7980f64cd1c53bee355222845ebdbba72", "total_amount": 19702983.61755659, "transactions": 125756341, "disk_size": 12190623949 } $ bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo { "height": 845024, "bestblock": "000000000000000000003717c032ce1934f194b7079ea6182e477fdaaab27413", "txouts": 182090311, "bogosize": 14002428244, "hash_serialized_3": "739f6cf2037b4c8222891be62511f7e7980f64cd1c53bee355222845ebdbba72", "total_amount": 19702983.61755659, "transactions": 125756341, "disk_size": 12203595989 }
Ran this twice after a pause of about a minute. Curious, is that delta in disk_size simply a few mempool additions, or something else?
bitcoin-cli -netinfo 4
I see no difference adding an integer at all. Is this expected?
$ bitcoin-cli -netinfo Bitcoin Core client v26.0.0 - server 70016/Satoshi:26.0.0/ ipv4 ipv6 total block in 52 0 52 out 10 0 10 2 total 62 0 62 Local addresses: n/a $ bitcoin-cli -netinfo 4 Bitcoin Core client v26.0.0 - server 70016/Satoshi:26.0.0/ ipv4 ipv6 total block in 52 0 52 out 10 0 10 2 total 62 0 62 Local addresses: n/a
Thanks for sharing. I'm still learning as well. Hope a more advance user can answer this.
Maybe Breedlove is trying to Kardashian his way to more fame?
the lack of good content and guests, notably surprised me in the past years. not following him anymore and not surprised he is involved in such dummy things, losing his values and focusing much more in money.
110 sats \ 3 replies \ @gmd 24 May
I'm out of the loop so I tried to use Grok for the first time (it's very slow) to get a twitter gossip synopsis:
In the past few months, Bitcoin influencer Robert Breedlove has been embroiled in controversy, leading to significant criticism from the community. Breedlove has been accused of being a "scammer" and "grifter" by some, with specific actions such as his involvement with Bitclout and his personal life choices being cited as evidence.
One of the main points of contention is Breedlove's personal life, particularly his divorce and subsequent relationship with an OnlyFans model. This has led to accusations of hypocrisy, given his public persona as a "freedom maximalist" and his previous advocacy for traditional values. Some have also pointed out Breedlove's departure from Bitcoin maximalism to freedom maximalism, which they see as a betrayal of the community.
Additionally, Breedlove's involvement with Bitclout, a social media that allows users to buy and sell tokens based on the popularity of influencers, has been criticized. Some view this as a departure from his Bitcoin advocacy and a move towards promoting speculative assets.
The controversy has sparked a debate within the Bitcoin community, with some defending Breedlove and others denouncing him. The situation has raised questions about the integrity and motivations of influencers in the cryptocurrency space.*
Funny story: I was trying to pay for an online service with a credit card (my mistake, right?) and I tried something like 4 different cards and none were accepted. In the end, I did get it to work, but compare that to paying an LN invoice: just copy, paste and send. Lightning is so much easier to use than a credit card and it's much more private as well...
Day 119 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 223 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 122 of 120+ pushups per day)
An Uber driver tried to scam me today! After all these years of living in Turkey or using it in general, this is really the first time.
After I got in the car about one minute, I looked at the meter and saw it was already 175TL? I thought it was from the last passenger, so I reminded the driver the meter was not reset, sometimes it is like this, but then he started to bullshit me and said he would give me a discount later or something and he kept driving, and I didn't have a good feeling about it, who knows what's gonna happen, so I asked him to stop, and he was still acting innocent and wanted to negotiate the price, ugh why are you making things so complicated and unpleasant; I quickly opened the door and left, damn, imagine if he took my phone or locked the car door, that would be really's really bad if all ppl think is how to scam others under inflation.
After this unpleasant drive, I then also learned an unpleasant new law in Turkey, which could be a massive pilling opportunity 👀 stay tuned for tomorrow.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 May
Isn't the price already locked in before you get into the car? At least that's my Uber experience.
Fun fact: Uber is only calling for taxis in Turkey btw, and yes, the price is there for reference, so you are getting a taxi here then the taxi driver runs the meter on top of Uber's booking fee. 😂
Day 28 of posting till the next Bitcoin halving.
(Courtesy of Dr Cartland on X).
Freedom isn’t Free! Memorial Day weekend vibes!
118 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 114 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Hi people! Just wanted to stop by to send a big massive thank you for the reception and your support. It has been my very first week on SN and not only you have been nice and positive with my posts and comments but you also have supported me in a very significative way. I need 10.000 sats to live each day and you have been giving me 50% of that on average, an enormous boost to say the least. I know SN is not about that, but it has been, and I'm really thankful to you for that.
Good morning stackers.
Day 117 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
134 sats \ 2 replies \ @Car 24 May
Stacker News Live at 4pm CST / streaming on all the socials. Covering the top 5 posts on sn this week.
Bitcoin only 🤙onward
I hope to hear more things denounced as communism, doesn't matter if it really applies or not.
If only my cash multiplies like packets of chilli in my fridge
I bet you didn't know this! 🇵🇹
Tempura (天ぷら or 天麩羅, tenpura, [tempɯɾa]) 👀
I didn’t! I swear the world is connected to Portugal in one way or another!
so much poetry in BooksandArticles, it's beginning to feel a lot like walking around my favorite bookstore :')
Good luck with your book!
Day 158 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 292 sats on 23May2024! Running total: 94,819 sats!
I would have sworn that the Doge doge had died a couple of years ago. Seeing that headline today was like I was in Groundhog Day.
@k00b and @ek, I hope you've read through the comments on my post #548695.
There are a bunch of very sweet testimonials for the awesome community you're making.
Thanks, guys. Pat yourselves on the back.
Thanks for the reminder! As an emotional submarine, I have a hard time with compliments, but it’s good to look through the periscope every now and then.
I have a hard time with compliments
Me too. What is that about?
66 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 May
Interestingly, I thought about this phenomenon just a few days ago. I realized I have a hard time with compliments since they make me feel a fracture in reality and I am a very skeptical person (to not say I have trust issues).
With "fracture of reality", I mean that I see that the other person and me have a different view on things. So something feels "off".
But it's just a subtle feeling, I know it's just me being dramatic.
I think we have a habit of focusing on what we lack. It feels a bit like taking our eyes off the road when we’re driving.
I think my reason is quite a bit uglier than that, stemming from my lack of respect for the person complimenting me.
Internally, I often think "How would you know if that was impressive or not?" Pretty shitty.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 24 May
I wonder what the casual direction is. You could be lowering your respect of them to fend off the complement, to maintain your frame of low self esteem.
"If they don't see what I'm lacking, something must be wrong with them."
To quote Abed, "I've got self esteem coming out of my butt."
@k00b I think something is up with the art territory
Front page of the territory has maybe 30 posts before you reach genesis. But when I went to sort by all time, there's waaaaay more art posts than that.
Yes, hot does not show all posts. It shows them over a certain threshold.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 24 May
We plan to fix this. We just haven’t yet.
Party on 🤙
Why work hard when paid in shit money that’s taxed to no end
Heya!! Well Friday is here and the week is almost done for, wow it sure went fast but it was an incredible one, strategies worked good and one final push for a well deserved weekend, try to do something nice for you on this upcoming one, FOR YOU, not friends, not family, not the significant other, you!! You've earned it my friend, you deserve it and you're worthy of it. I'm proud of you my friend and I thank you for your everyday effort and sacrifices, so let's show this week who has been in charge all along, let's do this!!! As always, be well and stay frosty!!
Happy Friday Friend!
One of the greatest joys in life is earning money for minimal effort. Got prompted to open up my Revolut app n discovered a Learn n Earn lesson on BONK. Finished it and transferred about $1 to my bank account. Not bad for a few minutes’ work. What’s more, gonna post this on my blog to have a chance of earning a few more cents from Google Adsense.
deleted by author
I won’t lar.
Sensei never buys shitcoins. Too much hassle!
I do however cross-post my articles on Publish0x to get ETH. A struggling writer has got to be resourceful haha
deleted by author
luckily, the truth doesn't care
GM ☕⚡🧡
Stack Sats and stay humble
GM and have a good day too!
Thank you!
I would like to buy this jpeg sir
You can take it for nothing
Take 500 sats
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @zana 24 May
GM.. have a good day :)
You, too!
282 sats \ 6 replies \ @Lux 24 May


When entering a court building, almost everyone employed at this place of business will be trained to deceive you into agreeing with, or entering you into, a contract that you will know nothing about.
The “contract” is within the jurisdiction of the court.
Note: a court is not the same as a courtroom. A court is held by a natural living person making a claim, a courtroom is just a room where it is held.
I think I'm missing something, because even US territory born still possess full-blown citizenship. They can't "vote" but are 100% subject to all the US taxes. It wouldn't make sense if one isn't corporated into the system, as the island was forced to bend the knee. I do, however, think it weird if I work at McDonald's I'll have to pay social Security and medicare (which is stupid). If one lives in the US are they paying for more than those two items?
Only this court has a boat, “docked”? This one is in Florida, so if I check well funded states like California, Texas, New York would I find this as well?? It's worth checking into. Makes me wonder why would they leave such a big clue like that out in the open.
In an old diary, I had written these lines describing the place where my childhood house was located. (The English translation is mine).
In the smell of honeysuckle, in the flight of the butterfly among the flowers in the garden, In the rays of the sun touching the date palms at sunset, in the secret opening of the evening flowers just after dark in the silence and the solitude that makes you grow up in the glances of my mother and grandmother who continue to haunt me to this day, The house of my childhood is found...
Wonderful poem. Bravo!
Nice poem replete with nature n history xP
GM ! Starting a new day and adding steps!
GM.. Good day mate :)
Day 405 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Sometimes i wish i was an octopus So i could slap 8 people at once 🐙
3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood.. So that some people find them tasty 🤣
Day 6 of my daily posting journey, after I ran out of food and had to trade my hat for supplies. previously: #548498 🤠⚡

Things you own end up owning you.
Here's a fun hack for simplifying your life: categorizing your belongings into essentials ( the things that are really needed ) and the optional ( the things that bring you more comfort, but you can live your life without them. )
My solution to keep my life simple is to see what is really needed first and do my best to get the best of them, then do the same for the optional; now I don't really need to buy any new things, but trying to integrate my idea into making them better.
62 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 May
categorize your belongings into essentials
You mean like trash cans? 👀
as a nomad, I would tell you that trash cans are the last thing that comes to my mind. 👀
Things you own end up owning you.
It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.
for me it's more like cleaning up the space to learn and think:) 👀
I don't need to deal with all the ads or "influencers" telling me what I need or what to buy.