I have a hard time with compliments
Me too. What is that about?
I think we have a habit of focusing on what we lack. It feels a bit like taking our eyes off the road when we’re driving.
I think my reason is quite a bit uglier than that, stemming from my lack of respect for the person complimenting me.
Internally, I often think "How would you know if that was impressive or not?" Pretty shitty.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 24 May
I wonder what the casual direction is. You could be lowering your respect of them to fend off the complement, to maintain your frame of low self esteem.
"If they don't see what I'm lacking, something must be wrong with them."
To quote Abed, "I've got self esteem coming out of my butt."
66 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 May
Interestingly, I thought about this phenomenon just a few days ago. I realized I have a hard time with compliments since they make me feel a fracture in reality and I am a very skeptical person (to not say I have trust issues).
With "fracture of reality", I mean that I see that the other person and me have a different view on things. So something feels "off".
But it's just a subtle feeling, I know it's just me being dramatic.