you are not the only one, but I think it will be unfair with respect to those that have been paying until now
nothing in life is fair. i don't remember if they committed to keeping the same prices indefinitely, but I wouldn't mind them dropping the price.
nothing in life is fair.
I do not agree, you can be fair if you want. So in case the price per territory drops, would the current ones get a refund or what?
Or are you just looking to own a territory at a more accessible price for yourself? And if this is the case, what's the right price you are willing to pay?
@remindme in 3 years
I very vehemently do not believe in the concept of fairness, despite also having opinions on what is and is not fair. It is in understanding that everyone has different conceptions of fairness that I don't apply it to any objective analysis of the outcomes of human behavior. Or of life generally.
I can't easily afford 3M sats at the moment. It's not that I think it isn't worth the price.
fair enough ;) so what is a territory worth for you?
I like SN a lot, so a territory here is worth a lot.
yea I know that, but look like your "a lot" is less than 3M sats... give me your best suggestion/guess between 3M and 0 sats
I don't know if you understand what I mean. Everyone wants to pay LESS than what they think something is worth. We also want to pay what we can afford. What you can afford does not necessarily play into what you value something, though I can imagine ways that it informs how you value something.