Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
We know that a bugbear of dyslexics is their poor working memory. While we cannot increase their working memory capacity, is it worth our while to use memory games to train their memory skills? Specifically, get that into the habit of memorising stuff.
I’m referring to games like this:
“You think you know everything. That’s a problem.” ― a yoga teacher who literally thought he knew everything
Happy Bitcoin 🍕pizza day! (Since I'm in Asia! it's 22nd here)
Does anyone know what the breakdown of the daily rewards is? If you have the top zapranked post for instance what would your % be of the total awards?
You can see the formula in either faq or guide at the bottom of the page.
I don’t think it’s simple enough to give a definitive answer to your question, because it depends on how many posts there were.
Its raining cats and dogs today. My commute took 1 hr instead of 20 mins. You ever go out to pick worms after a rainstorm?
How do I get my Pension (401k) into a Bitcoin IRA?
Where do people recommend posting original creative writing?
LMFAO is anyone listening to the Rules Debate on the FIT21 Act? Maxine Waters is arguing against the crypto bills even though her OWN party has come out and said they are not going to whip votes against and privately have said that her and Warren are making them look badddddd
119 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 21 May
I don't know how lightning protocol devs test on regtest without estimatesmartfee fallbacks. It's bonkers.
JUST IN: Donald Trump's presidential campaign officially accepts Bitcoin and crypto.
watcher guru
There are ~2.5 million ants for every 1 human on Earth.
Afternoon Freaks,
Today has been a pretty productive.
Knocked out some fiat work, knocked out some bitcoin work.
Finished setting up a bitcoin ira.
Went on a 5 mile run, walked the dog, took a shower, did the dishes.
Now I need to crank out some more fiat work, write, and shitpost on nostr.
Should probably apply to a few jobs on bitcoinerjobs
Should probably clean the S9's
Should probably watch a few tutorials
Thanks, Hustle
Day 116 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 5x25 normal/narrow; Total: 125 (Day 220 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 119 of 120+ pushups per day)
We demand some pics of those pecs, buddy.
Damn! You beat me to it! Those push-ups certainly didn't create your abs and sides like that, how did you achieve this?
Oh and also, VARIATIONS of pushups. That made a big difference as well I think.
Well sure, pushups aren't the only exercise I do. I do other types of calisthenics as well, but I don't really follow any routine or plan. I just do whatever I feel like and/or have access to. Also, yoga, some hiking/walking, and of course, generally trying to eat more-or-less healthily (high quality fats, lots of protein i.e. eggs, steak, grass-fed butter, MCT oil, Greek yoghurt, avoiding sugar, seed oils and highly processed foods, etc). I also slept on a yoga mat for 3 months, I don't know how much that affected my physique. Now that I'm on the road again I've been sleeping in beds and not been able to keep that great of a routine both in terms of foods and exercise, so we'll see if and how much that's going to affect me.
Interesting, interesting... But how is sleeping on a yoga mat supposed to help?
Better for posture, supposedly. Also, a nice side effect was that it was easier to wake up in the morning as you are not as comfortable and would rather just get up and go about your business instead of laying there for "5 more minutes" :D
Better for posture, supposedly. 😜
it was easier to wake up in the morning as you are not as comfortable and would rather just get up and go about your business instead of laying there for "5 more minutes" :D
Yeah, that'll be the "benefit" they're really referring to 😆
5k workout day. Time to get after it!
115 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 111 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Day 25 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
Wow. Now that's dedication. You are going to post daily for another 1400 days?
Of course I will!
Good morning stackers.
Day 114 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
I think we will be doing pushups for awhile.
I don't see 100k anytime soon. Maybe I will win the snail bet.
Really hard to say. Fiat price can rip on sudden announcement of certain fiat policies any moment. But the way Undisciplined and I got you sandwiched in the middle, you probably need to be pretty lucky to win the snail bet.
Yes, I am in a tight spot. And I agree that fiat price can rip quickly. I just think with this eth etf now we are either going to see a period where everyone focuses on eth for awhile and bitcoin consolidates or the eth etf will prove to be dud and we will see a major unwind of the leverage piled on in the last couple days and that will take bitcoin down with it at least in the short term. I still think the folks that have Oct/Nov in the snail bet are in the best spot but I could see some weakness in the short term. Especially with summer coming in tradfi (sell in May and go away).
I don't mind it at all if it stays range bound like this for a while. Gives me more time to stack.
We're spending most our lives living in a stacker's paradise.
Where ?
I thought the picture you shared looked like the cyber truck lol
is this real or AI?
I'm not sure, i stole it from nostr :)
it's sad but I realize I always assume outrageous photos are AI and that video clips are staged for click bait
Good Morning from Argentina. Anyone from Spain Here?
Are you following the personal battle between Pedro Sanchez and Javier Milei? What is your stand for? Do think that this affect private investment from both sides?
Socialist or Libertarian I still want to see more adoption of BTC in both countries.
Day 155 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 291 sats on 20May2024! Running total: 93,931 sats!
learn how to flow with the chaos, and be adaptable.
MACRO GUYS BE LIKE: "Yeah, so the government debt is unsustainable. The best way to protect yourself is to BUY GOVERNMENT DEBT." 🤡🌎
Pretty interesting news from the Speaker's Office last night... Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske and Preston Hill, top policy aids for Speaker Johnson are leaving at the end of May. They are all joining a lobbying firm that counts Ripple Labs as a major client.
Preston Hill in particular was in charge of overseeing House Republican policy in crypto which we are going to start seeing the fruits of this afternoon!
Hey gang!! It's Tuesday and week is going strong and steady, make sure your goals are too, keep your eye on the ball and believe in your goals, good things come for those who wait, just have faith in yourself and what you're doing to get to the finish line, we've got this!! May your day be filled with purpose, productivity, profit but most of all, love. You're awesome and you're important my friend. Have a phenomenal day!!! Let's do this!! Be well my friend and stay frosty!
GM! New day to carry on with my 10000 steps daily challenge. Enjoy the day!
Can I just say.... I am not really a fan of these cowboy hats.... I don't understand what they are for, why one "finds" one or how the wind blows them away...
I am trying to best to simply ignore them - as they seem to be a perverse method to entice us to post or otherwise engage with the site on a more regular least for me it kind of does the make me want to not post or engage regularly, as I don't want to be manipulated into feeling I have to do something, or I have to come back to the site and post???
I like to think that the intent was not to manipulate us? Maybe I am missing something? Guess I probably should read up on the purpose behind the hat?
Anyway - them's my beans :)
You can view it as manipulative, which it is, or you can view it as a signal that you contribute to the site.
Some people use the cowboy hats as a quick indicator of whether a post is likely to be spammy or not. Once you develop a reputation, you don't need it, but while your name is unfamiliar, it might help you attract readers.
They also tend to pay for themselves, with how the rewards system works, so you're really just shooting yourself in the foot by not having one.
you're really just shooting yourself in the foot by not having one.
is it 👀 I bet nothing would change if @Undisciplined hide / take off the hat now, good number btw 88718:)
Totally fair, I should have said "by not earning one".
Actually showing it off wouldn't make much impact for me and I'm sure it doesn't for you either.
I am trying to best to simply ignore them
then you will unlock the real adventure of being in SN! no hat / no titles, pure POW and fun.
I am trying to best to simply ignore them
You can completely opt-out of the cowboy hat in your settings:
I like to think that the intent was not to manipulate us?
I think the intent was to have something to show off your consistency of contributing to the site and to have some secret fun (think inside joke)
I think it started as a gimmick to manipulate stackers, aka make them stick 🤣🤣🤣
42 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 21 May
let's call it a social experiment in how easy it is to influence people
and the way to win is NOT to play 🧪
It's a tit-for-tat game 🧑‍🔬
I think the real signal is
  • stacking since
  • the quality of posts or comments
  • engaging level
The hat is useless other than saying how long you haven't gone offline a full day.
Love this advises:
My grandmother once gave me a tip: In difficult times, you move forward in small steps. Do what you have to do, but little by little. Don't think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow. Wash the dishes. Remove the dust. Write a letter. Make a soup. You see? You are advancing step by step. Take a step and stop. Rest a little. Praise yourself. Take another step. Then another. You won't notice, but your steps will grow more and more. And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying.
Elena Mikhalkova
You can apply these tips for everything, including bitcoin. Thanks!!
I love that this is right above @orthwyrm and his daily snail post.
Hmm, it was not intentional, but it is interesting!
Day 402 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
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Today is day of L402
Looking forward to day 420
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When eth lambo moon?
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But it’s the silver to Bitcoins gold! lol
Smart contracts…. stupid people.
And inflooencers really shouldn’t attach morality to traditional finance… especially since it doesn’t attach it to itself.
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Lol. Which is the ‘like Bitcoin but better’ this week?
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155 sats \ 3 replies \ @zana 21 May
GM stackers. Loving this earring vibes :)
Kicking off my 10-day earring extravaganza 😂
47 sats \ 1 reply \ @zana 21 May
Searching for 10 earrings for that haha
Earrings are a common accessory for women, but if you don't have any, you can always pop into a jewelry store to try some on and snap a photo 😂
In the end, we’ll all become stories, sais Margaret Atwood.
Many stories are written, and lie on shelves covered in dust, unread, and untold. You are lucky if your story is read, told, and retold and lives on. If your story is well written, chances are someone will read it, so tell your story well, very well, dear Stackers!
I am so late today....bummer number 12
Preparing for a job transition and getting fixated with left-field interview questions.
Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
Having taught English at various levels in different institutions, I have accumulated a comprehensive toolbox of resources that empower me to teach anything from literacy support strategies to the weakest progress students to inference and argumentation skills to pre-college adults. I delight in mixing and matching my resources from different teaching jobs to come up with effective materials that address my current students’ specific learning needs. My colleagues sometimes compliment me on how resourceful and sensitive I am to different student profiles.
Besides resources, I also gather first-hand insights on teaching students of varied personalities and constantly seek new resources and strategies to better my teaching.
180 sats \ 12 replies \ @Lux 21 May

Signing a Ticket

You have now agreed to the title driver, and to appear in court.
Note: when you are issued with a ticket it is referred to as an offence, not a crime. An “offence" refers to breach of contract; they cannot call it a crime as no law has been broken.
Furthermore you have just proclaimed the law, as it is you who has just signed and dated it. Before you signed it, the law did not exist.
Note: There are no such things as “road laws”, nor can there ever be. All roads are common land and are owned and used by all.
It is unlawful for a living breathing man or woman to forcibly apply policy onto another on common land.
You can do whatever you want, there are also consequences.
if the fictional account cannot be charged without consent, it gets expensive to keep a man in jail, and if a man really knows the law, the jail can get charged out of existence. i.e. the jail employees will have to go flip burgers to survive.
not a perfect case, yet it still went well! judges are people too. for example, just before walking out, he responded to "Mister"
I have seen this one. Not going through all of that for a traffic ticket. Pick your battles right?
It sure is convenient to be a slave, aint that right
Please, post video of you doing this. I might be more inclined to believe you follow what you say.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 21 May
please don't believe me, i'm not God
XD I don’t know why, but that made me crack up.
108 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 21 May
I hate this feeling. What feeling? Feeling of not being good enough,failing and stuck in the same place for a long time even after giving up everything to move forward.
Day 3 of my daily posting journey, after I ran out of food and had to trade my hat for supplies. previously: #545297 🤠⚡

Information is so important — imagine if we are being taught the RIGHR information from day one: how to take care of your diet, your eyes, your teeth, your hair, basically the body that we are born with, then many problems won't even get the chance to show up.
And we were born perfect and free, then slowly corrupted by others and society, and ended up being like slaves and miserable with money or status all day, some even damaging their health for it; now it makes sense why we weren't taught the right information in the first place, what's easier to control than the ignorances? And making them busy all day and no time to think is the way! hence all the distractions and news.
Now, how many businesses are built on people's misery or insecurity of themselves? How much time and energy are being wasted on feeding these man-made desires?'s like a giant energy-sucking system: you work hard so to spend harder to buy those instant “solutions”.
One of the solutions I found is going back to the past and learning how people live their lives happily, how they used to do things with simple tools, and most importantly, to see what are the real problems needed to be solved: shelter, food, essential things to keep you warm and clean, and love: do things you love, being around people you love, and love for your surroundings.
do things you love, being around people you love
This is the most important thing!
162 sats \ 12 replies \ @Lux 21 May
our body is being programmed by genetics ( it still amazes me how a baby is born; it's like you really don't need to do much - it's already being set naturally, and all you need is do less stupid things. )
your thoughts is being programmed by language and culture, what else 🙊
122 sats \ 9 replies \ @Lux 21 May
heard an interesting theory, that all information is contained in water, and the dna sequencies function as keys to unlock it
what if all the history ( everything that happend ) is being recorded, just we, the living human beings can't access it?
idk maybe the word is experienced instead of recorded
experienced is being recorded at the same time? 👀
i guess you know "The Egg" theory?
wow, I already found her interesting!
The ultimate message my work conveys is that English, as the leading software of the Western mind, is filled with cultural biases akin to computer viruses that undermine our thinking and reasoning power
Life is weird !!