Appreciate the consistency of the poll options, however in this scenario I guess that Monero would be kind of worthless anyways.
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If you can't spend your non KYC BTC on various platforms how is it different from XMR? at this point non-kyc BTC is illegal, you can take it with you whenever you please still on the blackmarket
Monero is not a good solution because it's a poor form of money that hemorrhages value over time (see BTC:XMR charts).
Therefore you either a) Hold onto XMR long term and eat the cost, or b) Swap into it from BTC on an as-needed basis (which suffers from the same chokepoint attacks as buying stuff directly).
If you go onto darknet markets you'll see that most vendors prefer BTC to XMR, perhaps for these reasons.
I can see how you think this way, XMR isn't for the faint of heart. I consider it as potential money I may need to buy lifesaving drugs in the event gov't will deem illegal to buy. Also, XMR has always been ready for the possibility of delisting and heavy regulations, everyone freaking out over samurai wallet was no surprise to XMR fans.
USA has been on the banned list already for a while-Iran, Syria, China etc. The team behind XMR is highly intelligent, they've built privacy at the protocol level. Whereas LN is on the APP level. You don't have to agree with my ways, I don't push mine on to you. But if you need life-saving drugs, and they're illegal, you honestly think they'll take your KYC bitcoin? And if do they accept it, they'll demand on-chain -not on LN.