616 sats \ 47 replies \ @kr 3 Apr
wow, this is huge.
congrats to the Lightspark team, excited to see what kind of traction Lightning gets with a Coinbase integration.
It'll be interesting to see.
I'm not toooo excited... Lightning's problem is that withdrawing from an exchange already requires the in-bound liquidity, which isn't suited to the DCA model that most stackers use exchanges for. Kraken already has Lightning and I seldom use it TBH. I believe Binance does too.
I think maybe Coinbase's adoption will encourage online vendors to accept Lightning, though, which to me is a win.
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Apr
Kraken already has Lightning and I seldom use it TBH.
You do onchain withdrawals because of this inbound liquidity problem? With splicing, that shouldn't be a problem.
Additionally, there are zero fees for LN withdrawals on Kraken unlike onchain. Not sure how that works out for them.
That's a good point. I haven't tried splicing for this.
In which case, I don't think there's much difference between the two in terms of cost.
huge for WHO? Because is not for bitcoiners...
519 sats \ 39 replies \ @kr 3 Apr
it’s huge for the entire Lightning ecosystem, arguably the biggest piece of good news for Lightning all year.
it’s amazing how basically every other comment on this thread is a negative one… i don’t understand how anyone could possibly interpret this as bad news.
258 sats \ 8 replies \ @_vnprc 3 Apr
lol same. This is fantastic news because it means Coinbase has finally stopped wasting time "working on integrating lightning" and decided to pay someone more competent to build it for them. Great news for Coinbase users. Amazingly good news for Lightspark. Reality check for stacker news users: there are more bitcoiners on coinbase than any other service in the USA.
smdh these plebs be triflin'
Great news for Coinbase users.
So you will still let others to use Coinbase... right "bright" future will have Bitcoin with this "amazing" thinking.
371 sats \ 6 replies \ @_vnprc 3 Apr
I don't understand how you think I, or anyone else, could stop users from using Coinbase. Do you believe in individual choice? You sound like an authoritarian.
Coinbase users hate using bitcoin because it is slow and complicated. Bitcoin has a super shitty UX. This drives people to use shitcoins and centralized platforms. I have talked to multiple people who share this opinion. Lightning makes bitcoin fast, still kind of a shitty UX tho. We'll see how Lightspark can improve on this.
This news MIGHT represent a step function improvement in the bitcoin ecosystem. If Lightspark can nail this (I think they can) it opens the floodgates to institutional lightning adoption. Big companies will start integrating lightning in big ways and we will finally start to see the beginnings of mass adoption. Take your blinders off, bro. Look at the big picture.
Is not about to impose what to use, is about to educate the noobs and boycott these motherfuckers and not supporting the enemies of Bitcoin.
Are you blind or what?
Take your blinders off, bro. Look at the big picture.
You just sound like a dumb shitcoiner that knows nothing about Bitcoin history.
This is such BS, many jurisdictions has stated layer 2s like lightning are outside of the travel rule. This is a narrative lightspark are pushing for their own greed and the destruction/damage of the network as a whole.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Apr
Is not about to impose what to use
boycott these motherfuckers
So it's not about impose what to use but impose what to not use? 🤔
Why do people use Coinbase when Kraken is so much cheaper? Is it their marketing?
It is bad... because when you play with shit... you will obtain shit. You will see soon how "huge" will be these news...
0 sats \ 28 replies \ @kr 3 Apr
what are you even saying?
Are you in Bitcoin from yersterday? You really don't know who is Conbase and what they trying to do? You really don't know who is LightSpark and what they are trying to do? cmooon
Maybe they can fool some noobs that enter into Bitcoinlandia today, but not old bitcoiners.
People should stop using Coinbase at all ! I really do not understand why people still uses that trap!
11 sats \ 26 replies \ @kr 3 Apr
so because you don’t like Coinbase, you don’t want to let their tens of millions of customers get access to the Lightning Network?
i thought Bitcoin was supposed to be accessible to everyone… how is this not a step in the right direction?
Good point. Everyone, no matter where they are in their journey with Bitcoin, should have every right to access lightning. Binance has integrated it much before and people loved that instantly.
I apologize for my old version, he is a bit outdated and not able to communicate well. Darthcoin Cash is the real Darthcoin.
LOL you really think is about that I like or not Conbase? Damn it, read here why #78930
Why the stackers are fighting on this good post?
Why don't you just take it easy and learn as much as you can.
For those who are fighting I have opened a thread here.. #493050
Darth thinks he's God's gift to Bitcoin
Wow great, thanks for pulling me into the discussion here!
What is Lightspark?
63 sats \ 5 replies \ @kr 3 Apr
i think of them as a Stripe for Bitcoin payments, though others on here may be able to offer better descriptions
They are backed by the fucking bansksters! Paypal is behind them and many other bad guys. WE WILL NEVER FORGET
Co-inventor of lightning works for them.
U need to chill
This isn't a popularity contest. Coinbase is cucked so any lightning implementation they use will need to be as well.
The good thing is we'll get to see soonish how hard it will be to go from Coinbase to sovereign private savings.
which co-inventor?
U need to chill
If I chill people will get rekt
Bitcoin bank in EU offshore jurisdiction.
1 sat \ 2 replies \ @xz 3 Apr
Think this is important to recognize.
Yes. I think bitcoin banks are important but probably nany states should sink first for them to be able to make difference.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 3 Apr
I actually don't know much about this bank.
Had me thinking about one that was located in Gibraltar and offering custodial solutions to accredited investors. I see the same problem with gold investment vehicles, which seems to be the exact analogue to how 'investors' trust the institution, the regulation, and it tracks the price of the underlying asset. The smaller the investor, the less the likelihood to take physical ownership, as with ownership of keys.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 3 Apr
"Lightspark is the easiest, most reliable, enterprise-grade gateway to Lightning, enabling money to move just like bits and bytes do on the Internet."
I like to try to see balance and that sometimes the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Lightspark is a scam. As Coinbase too... And what comes from two scams? A bigger scam
146 sats \ 5 replies \ @pakovm 3 Apr
Why is Lightspark a scam? They simply provide a service but they don't do it for cheap.
Always follow the money and look into their past... Why people do not simply read ? Ask yourself: Who is Lightspark? What is their goal? Who is pushing their agenda? Why do you see these news all over now? QUESTION EVERYTHING. Not just accept everything you see in your news feed.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @pakovm 3 Apr
Their is to make money, it's that simple. They found an untapped market with Bitcoin and Lightning and they decided to give it a shot.
It's pretyy understandable that you don't like these people, but you don't have to be a nutjob about them.
Is not about "liking" or not... is about raising a warning, that many do not want to see it.
@remindme 1 year
They'll pay you to use their service lol.
Read here about who really is Conbase #78930
When I saw this post I literally thought "those bastards would use lightspark" lmao
the video explains perfectly how Coinbase will "use" LN with LightSpark... Why people forget so quickly who is Coinbase and who is LightSpark?
I agree 💯. They are both wolves under the skin of Sheep.
102 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout 3 Apr
David Marcus leaves Facebook after failing to do a shitcoin (it was called Libre afaik) and starts Lightspark. In Lightspark they build a regulator happy product that they then sell to Coinbase (and presumably other regulator happy businesses). I'm not sure if this is good or bad news.
And before that "In December 2017, Marcus was appointed to the board of directors of the cryptocurrency exchange, Coinbase" friends doing trades pumping marketing campaign to get traction for a bad protocol (UMA).
Hope they have nothing to do with UMA protocol :(, fuck that protocol.
Fuck Lightspark! They are not the "good guys" as many think.
I think they do. Coinbase gonna be MiCA compliant.
Who cares? I left coinbase with a few bucks of shit years ago when they suddenly and abruptly closed their app in my country for nonsense reason. They are worse than every other platform. They will fuck lightspark as they do with every other integration. Also they are now pawns of Government and authorities.

What a shit coinbase is to base their BASE without any base, BASELESS!

This is just more gaslightning IMO. Coinbase has dragged their feet on lightning for years and now they finally kick it to an outside firm? Pathetic. Probably will be another year+ before actual integration.
124 sats \ 0 replies \ @notgeld 3 Apr
I think they couldn't handle properly LN privacy and preferred to outsource tech and legal risks.
126 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 3 Apr
i spoke with someone on their team last fall (after they announced their intention to support Lightning), and they did estimate early 2024 for an integration.
i’ll take the under on 1 year to complete the integration.
They made an announcement simultaneously with Binance and they are fine so far because Binance has bigger issues. Their business scales are comparable.
105 sats \ 1 reply \ @nikotsla 3 Apr
A company like Coinbase... with "soo" many years in the field, need to "partner" with an small company to implement LN? It's just a smoke screen to help some friend/s inside lightspark.
108 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 3 Apr
They're the biggest exchange that hasn't been brought down yet for laundering fraud etc so I give them some credit for doing something right... probably they had other priorities expanding their business to custody for ETFs etc.
222 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 3 Apr
You guys are crazy supporting this madness compliance!
UMA = Take a beautiful bitcoin flow (LNURL) and put (copy) all the Visa/Mastercard shit on top, pump with smoke screen (marketing/buy integrations) and sell this "new fantastic protocol" to maintain the same system.
Paypal, failed at facebook. Pro compliant bitcoin. Lightspark are the ultimate bad actor company in Bitcoin.
So Coinbase spent two years trying to figure out how to integrate lightning. Put a guy in charge, who knew nothing about lightning and tweets about tokenizing the world on ethereum, and then simply partnered with lightspark in the end. That company really is a clown show.
Congrats to all involved.
People who don't like this news are anti-bitcoin.
An exchange devoted to shitcoins forced to renounce to exorbitant onchain fees due to social pressure is extremely good news. Lightning is getting too big to be ignored.
Fucking finally
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 3 Apr
Like 2 peas in a pod
Coinbase have so many bugs and issues.. Bad experience. Dislike.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @nym 3 Apr
I think the extra developers and users resulting of this will help optimize and improve the lightning network. It needs some love.
Optimize in what direction? because those actors are pro KYC, at every level.
1 sat \ 0 replies \ @nym 3 Apr
I know there are drawbacks, but it is happening anyway. They could have an incentive to make better tooling to prevent loss of sats during channel maintenance and force closures. They could improve metrics. Just being a devil’s advocate I know.
It needs some love.
What makes you say that?
I guess it's good that Coinbase makes the jump to the Lightning network, but I don't like Coinbase or what they are, but hey, at the end of the day I think the news is more good than bad.
For who is good?
for those who use Coinbase and want to use LN, which is not my case.
Did you read this? #78930 You have to be a real IDIOT to still use Coinbase today. How much damage must be done by Coinbase until people will realize it? When is "enough"?
I'm going to read it now, I've never been a Coinbase customer, nor do I plan to be, but I don't have that much information about them either, I just know who they're allied with.
When a bitcoin OG (with 12 years in Bitcoin only) is telling you that Coinbase is the enemy of Bitcoin, what would you say? Oh, "is nice for Bitcoin" ?
I've seen all the fucking garbage they've done all these years.
Okay I just saw that Lightspark uses the travel rule bullshit, now I understand better, but I still had no intention of using Coinbase, I've been on BTC for 5 years and I haven't used it yet, nor do I currently use any centralized exchange.
Just inform your fellow friends to stay away from CONbase
No, but what can we do? Don't use it and say people don't use it, but most will continue to use it, because that's the way people are.
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