Great news for Coinbase users.
So you will still let others to use Coinbase... right "bright" future will have Bitcoin with this "amazing" thinking.
I don't understand how you think I, or anyone else, could stop users from using Coinbase. Do you believe in individual choice? You sound like an authoritarian.
Coinbase users hate using bitcoin because it is slow and complicated. Bitcoin has a super shitty UX. This drives people to use shitcoins and centralized platforms. I have talked to multiple people who share this opinion. Lightning makes bitcoin fast, still kind of a shitty UX tho. We'll see how Lightspark can improve on this.
This news MIGHT represent a step function improvement in the bitcoin ecosystem. If Lightspark can nail this (I think they can) it opens the floodgates to institutional lightning adoption. Big companies will start integrating lightning in big ways and we will finally start to see the beginnings of mass adoption. Take your blinders off, bro. Look at the big picture.
Is not about to impose what to use, is about to educate the noobs and boycott these motherfuckers and not supporting the enemies of Bitcoin.
Are you blind or what?
Take your blinders off, bro. Look at the big picture.
You just sound like a dumb shitcoiner that knows nothing about Bitcoin history.
This is such BS, many jurisdictions has stated layer 2s like lightning are outside of the travel rule. This is a narrative lightspark are pushing for their own greed and the destruction/damage of the network as a whole.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Apr
Is not about to impose what to use
boycott these motherfuckers
So it's not about impose what to use but impose what to not use? 🤔
Which part of all this you do not understand that Conbase and Lightspark are the enemies of Bitcoin?
Why do people use Coinbase when Kraken is so much cheaper? Is it their marketing?