Would you use an option like "Don't show muted comments" so you don't see the revealable comment?

I also noticed today that you can hover where the lightning bolt would be and zap muted replies.
Doesn't make sense if the lightning bolt isn't there, I don't think.
No, reply from someone you muted is fine45.5%
No, should be a different feature0.0%
Yes, I don't want to see them18.2%
I don't use mute36.4%
11 votes \ poll ended
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 28 Mar
I don't use mute. One should see the world from different perspectives, even from an asshole perspective. 😁😁
I prefer to see "reply from someone you muted". Gives me more information and thus control.
117 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 27 Mar
That bolt hover thing is a bug.
I don't mute, but so long as you aren't getting notifications, can you describe the problem seeing them causes?
Not a problem, just half the time I end up reading it anyways. But it's useful as @SimpleStacker said, more info and more control.
Muting does seem to be enough for now, blocking as described here seems a bit much: https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/issues/256
I notice all too often my curiosity gets the better of me, and I say to myself I wonder if he's still an asshole? and then I unmute it, and almost always it's yup, god damn it.
So I think I would use the feature to save me from myself.
almost always it's yup, god damn it.
haha! I do the same
I'm now thinking about it in terms of if SN was a town. You mute someone, but you still see them walking around town, they just never bother you anymore. Now, when you start seeing them hanging with people, and others are listening to them, you're more inclined to unmute and listen. Alternatively, a "block" would make the person completely invisible.
So I guess muting seems like a better way to grow a community based on proof-of-work.
I'm now wondering how many new stackers have muted Darth, then unmuted when they see he's top comment constantly lol
Hahaha, I've gone through a few cycles of this. He's more complicated. I un-mute sometimes to take a look, and he's friendly and helpful and thoughtful and insightful, and I'm like, huh, what is wrong with me, what could I have been thinking?
And then he turns into a giant abusive jerk that makes me hate being here, like when you go a restaurant and there's some four year old screaming and mashing food on his face and knocking silverware on the floor, and back into the shadows he goes.
He's the only one who's ever made it back, which I guess is a sort of compliment. Everyone else I've muted (there's not many, single digits) seems to be pretty steadily worthless.
It should show so you know if someone is stalking. But it should be subtle and out of the way.
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