The next time you are tempted to put off a scary, hard, or difficult task off, here’s what I want you to say yourself:
“I believe that I’m making life easier for myself. But, in the long-run, I need to remember avoiding this is only going to make life harder.”
Avoiding the task might give you a brief moment of relief. But, all too soon, that will fade, and you will be left with the anxiety that comes from avoiding it—and that’s a feeling that only gets worse with time, building and building and building until you finally deal with the task. Sometimes, in the moment where we’re tempted, we need to remind ourselves of the price we pay for avoidance.
This is like my life in an infographic.
I've recently been getting much better at using action as a tool against avoidance.
I just pick one or two things that I've been avoiding doing, or that I know my mind is already preparing itself to avoid, and I just start hacking away at it ( no matter how messy!)
As expected, seeing results (even if they're not the ones you wanted) feels much better than avoiding the task.
Surprisingly though, it's the energy attached to the action that is most useful. It gets you into a more positive headspace and allows you continue the journey on the daily.
Thanks for sharing this!