Hey All! Curious what everyone thoughts on hundreds of billions of dollars flowing into ETFs over the next decade and the potential of institutional money to negatively influence core devs to put/accept different BIP's that could negatively impact Bitcoin. If there is another thread on this please link me, I'm genuinely curious of this particular vector.
I know OpenSats and many other organizations contribute to them in a positive light but could core devs ever be directly influenced by institutional capital in some way shape or form?
Would love to hear some thoughts here! Just trying to learn/hear different points of view.
ETFs can fund core devs all they want and the devs can write as many BIPs as they like, but good luck getting it past community review and getting nodes to run updated clients, if ETFs want to push updates the majority of people don't want, let them fork and we dump their altcoin and on we go
Or the potential for paper derivative assets (at least) one layer away from the chain to be used to manipulate perception of bitcoin's value / mask true economic realities
like what they did with gold?