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🗲 202402037 ☿ Wednesday 100aDaytill100k 🗲

Good Morning

Good Morning, Stackers!
Welcome to the ~health zone. We are so glad to see you and hear your type written words with our eyes. Today is Wednesday and that means it's the middle of the week and the planet Mercury at some point was recognized by early man as the closest object to the Sun. Hence we get Mercury as a messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. In French our clue is the word for Wednesday is Mercredi and in Spanish it is miércoles.
Because we speak English and English comes from Old German and really is a branch of Indo-European languages we call the 3rd day of the week, Wednesday and it is named after Odin or Woton.
Wednesday is the day of the week between Tuesday and Thursday. According to international standard ISO 8601, it is the third day of the week. In countries which have Friday as their holiday, Wednesday is the fifth day of the week. In countries which use the Sunday-first convention, and in both the Islamic and Jewish calendars, Wednesday is the fourth day of the week.
In English, the name is derived from Old English Wōdnesdæg and Middle English Wednesdei, 'day of Woden', reflecting the religion practiced by the Anglo-Saxons, the English equivalent to the Norse god Odin. In many Romance languages, such as the French mercredi, Spanish miércoles or Italian mercoledì, the day's name is a calque of Latin dies Mercurii 'day of Mercury'. -- Wednesday Wikipedia
Now what is interesting about Odin and Wednesday in general is that Mercury, Odin and Buddha are part of a process of awakening, knowledge and enlightenment. Where does the Buddha come in? Well, in India, Wednesday is also the day of Mercury which is called Budhvara!
Odin (/ˈoʊdɪn/;[1] from Old Norse: Óðinn) is a widely revered god in Germanic paganism. Norse mythology, the source of most surviving information about him, associates him with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and depicts him as the husband of the goddess Frigg. In wider Germanic mythology and paganism, the god was also known in Old English as Wōden, in Old Saxon as Uuôden, in Old Dutch as Wuodan, in Old Frisian as Wêda, and in Old High German as Wuotan, all ultimately stemming from the Proto-Germanic theonym *Wōðanaz, meaning 'lord of frenzy', or 'leader of the possessed'. -- Oden Wikipedia
As a closing not on Wednesday I would like to point out that what is in Wikipedia is not necessarily accurate. It is a good place to start but it should be regarded as one source out of many that one should use in the search for truth. For instance, Budha and Buddha are noted to be not the same. One is a "god" (deva) and one is a human who became enlightened. On the exoteric this is a closed case but in the esoteric it is completely wrong.
We look at the meanings of words here and we look at the etymology. Bud in Sanskrit is "mind that is awake" like a flower bud it is getting ready to bloom. There is no accident in the use of the lotus flower to represent awakening. The lotus grows in mud and becomes a very beautiful flower. In western mysticism the rose is a symbol for this. The rose is thorny but beautiful and fragrant. More of the masculine and feminine. From the darkness come the light.
Finally let's get back to Odin, who has one eye. This one eye is the eye of divine insight. This one eye is the center between the two hemispheres of the Left / Red (Mars) / Masculine and Right / Blue (Venus) / Feminine. As the myth of Odin goes, one of his eyes was gouged out. AS many myths have a brutal quality which allow for memorizing stories we can remember that this character who was skilled in many aspects and was a teacher had only one eye that made him see clearly.
In India we see plenty of examples where the "third eye" is significant in symbols. The third eye has been connected to the pineal gland which is located exactly between the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This has been illustrated with the Eye of Horus below.

My Progress Today

Today I tried something new and I managed to get 100 Squats, 100 pushups and 100 situps in 45 minutes. I also did my normal hatha yoga breath exercises and stretching before to get flexible and wake my slumbering beast up. My New program I am calling the 100 step to 50 and return to zero.
So I start with 1 of each, then 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. That's my ascent of the mountain. Then I return home by 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of each respectively. In between I am breathing from my abdomen through my nose. Being able to get all of this done in the morning by 0500 is great because I can rest for a longer period. I was sweating like crazy by the time I got halfway and I could look forward to the end getting shorter and shorter.
Finally after I was finished I wasn't sure that I didn't loose count around my back 3 so I did a victory lap of 10 squats, 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups. I had a lot of fun!

Shout out to @grayruby

If you are wondering what the #100aDayTill100k is about please refer to @grayruby and the post: 100 a day until 100k

Roll Call:

I've got some new names to the list by request so I would like to shout out, also to all my fellow fitness Stackers!


  1. Mercury Planet - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_(planet)
  2. Indo-European - https://lrc.la.utexas.edu/lex
  3. बुधवार - Budhvara -https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AC%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%A7%E0%A4%B5%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0
  4. Wednesday - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wednesday
  5. Odin - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odin
  6. Budha - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budha
  7. Right and Left Brain - https://www.centurymedicaldental.com/left-and-right-hemisphere-of-the-brain/
  8. Third Eye - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_eye
  9. https://theangelsofatlantis.com/the-pineal-gland/
this territory is moderated
Did my 100 yesterday, 40-40-20. Almost forgot to do the last set, but remembered right before bed and completed it.
40 down for today.
My last set keeps getting later and later. Yesterday I lost track of my sets and around 11:30pm I couldn't recall if I had done 3 or 4 sets of 25 so I just did another set of 25 to ease my mind.
Maybe I should switch to 40-40-20 too. I think I will test that tomorrow.
Try this in the morning or do something similar. I knocked them all out in 45 minutes which included stretching before.
Let's get it 💪💪 I've not been able to get after it yet. But I only got 4 hours left of my work day then you betcha I got press ups to do!!! I'll check back in with a done when I've executed.
Thanks for joining the party.
🤣this is brilliant. Got after it in sets of 20 for pushups. Then popped 100 squats in sets of 50. And finally the sit-ups was 1 set of 100. Let's go!! 💪💪
Might give the pyramid a go 2moro.
I love the pyramid! We have a long way to go before 100k, so maybe I'll work up to something similarly cool.
For now, though, 25/100 pushups complete.
Nice work. Everyone will find a good rhythm. As an occult, numbers and philosophy guy my brain seems to participate better by a system. I was happy to discover that the series matched exactly 100. The trip back down works too.
I might start with 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 pyramids and repeat four times a day.
That sounds good!
Health and history here everyday. Thanks once again for this insightful knowledge
I'm having a good time. Thanks for participating.
100 done! 20 x 5
Good show, mate!
50+ 50 let’s go!
I see a bright future for your man boobs!
Yup they are pumped up!
Didn't miss it today.
11 days of 100 push ups until 100k down. Undetermined to go. 7 days of 100 squats until 100k down. Undetermined to go.
I have done my 100 push-ups, also many pull-ups (I haven't counted them) and many abs on the bar
Thank you for checking in.