this territory is moderated
Exactly. Got Push Ups?
Why not?
Can't because of my heart, I think I've told you about it already.
Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I remember now. So what 100 thing can you do? Can you do Tai chi?
I do that, too.
You could do 10 minutes of low impact breathing with movement. Or something similar. Get you Chi / Vril / Kumdalini moving.
No special training. Just conscious movement and balance. Do one minute at a time. Move very slow and deliberate. Ask your doctor if it is safe and effective if you need to.
Once you balance out your Yin and Yang you will feel better. Your body is a healing factory. None of us are dead, yet! I believe in you!
What's all this referred to?
The symbols, numerics and techniques from the post look kinda cryptic.
Symbols are the first language that we humans used before we had oral traditions. Our language is based on symbols of phenomenon that is measurable, accountable and we can abstract ideas via symbols . These symbols are all across the globe. The symbols also occupy our common language.
These symbols have been occulted (hidden to the eyes) by education standardized by fiat funded education. Yet they are in the UNICODE so that should tell you that someone thought enough about them to add them to computer science.
We have 50,000 years of information and data in these symbols and now it is time to initiate people of conscience into what has been hidden by people who farm humans for servitude.
Bitcoin is the catalyst. You have the Genesis block. The name Satoshi (Truth in Sanskrit via a Japanese name) Nakamoto (From the Book, Japanese) . You have people who are working on Bitcoin who could do anything else but they choose to take the technology we have and give it to all of the people who are merely documented, farmed and mesmerized by passive technology. Then you have people of Bitcoin who are finding more to to live healthy because they don't have to be slaves to computers! We use the technology as a tool and not as a life!
Hm, first off:
I'm pretty certain that early homo sapiens started communicating through vocal sounds, as for the use of abstract symbols, better cognitive abilities were needed, which were developed during a period named the cognitive revolution around 70k - 35k years ago.
Can you expand a bit more on the topic? Still seems a bit cryptic to me.