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Perhaps the way around this is for me to actually take up moderating the territory. I had hoped it would self moderate by it's users. But perhaps I could bring back links and any obvious spamming accounts just get moderated out and their posts deleted?
Not much time to respond in detail now, will do so later (outside on mobile rn), but wanted to reply to this with what I'm doing in ~crypto: I have raised posting fees and refund everyone who posts content that I think belongs there by zapping their post. Might be something you want to consider, too.
Can't say it has been effective at combating spam, but it funds the territory well.
Can only ask the community and see what they feel. But I hadn't considered the impact it would have on legitimate accounts like yourself and for that I can only apologise.
No worries, no hard feelings. See my use of the word "betrayal" more as it's used in "top 10 anime betrayals". :)
I figured that you were just too focused on combating spam and I can also understand your viewpoint. It's a hard problem and we're missing tools.
this territory is moderated
I do tend to zap every post that anyone makes. My default zap is set to 69 ;) and the post fees is set to 21 so normally (unless they've done multiple inside of 10mins) that poster is making profit on the post immediately.
I will definitely need to think harder about how to combat bots without it impacting my real customer base.
Cheers for getting back to me, I appreciate it.
I do tend to zap every post that anyone makes. My default zap is set to 69 ;) and the post fees is set to 21 so normally (unless they've done multiple inside of 10mins) that poster is making profit on the post immediately.
Yeah, but if fees are 512 sats like in ~crypto, every post that you don't zap for reasons has a higher impact on their wallet.
Not saying you should raise your fees (since it's also a liquidity problem on your side to have enough to refund the good content); just that there is a difference between 21 sats and 512 sats.
I even raised fees to 1024 sats at one point but quickly realized that's quite high. That's when stackers like @0xbitcoiner started to ask me in advance if I would refund their posts, lol. That was definitely interesting to see.
Interesting thought. I'd felt putting posting fees above 100 might be too steep. But other territories are working successfully at 500+ thats really helpful information.