Here's Tim Finn (of Crowded House) with Persuasion. Such a great song, the kind you hear and wonder how was this not huge. I heard the track when it first came out, when I was much much younger and bought the album because of it. Good album as well.
Yeah I thought so. But I also thought, that k you for your posting fees 😉 I'm just not zapping them and not engaging with it. They can post music news all they like. It's sorta interesting, but not gunna engage with a bit, but like I said, they can pay me to post 😉
Yeah... I'm unsure if I've thought this through very well.
I thought by disabling links only posts id avoid this, but I wonder if it's possible to customise posting fees or could be possible to customise posting fees. Example make link only posts 1k sats to post. I'd doubt the bot program is intuitive enough to check posting fees before spamming a link. And I think a link would be it's first go to post type. A sort of if link then post as link, if no link post as discussion. Kind of thing. Perhaps @ekzyis could help with that concept? Making it cost different per post type?
I missed them then I missed them again when the reformed for 1 tour. And now I doubt I'll ever get to see them. But they're live videos look great. Tankian is a magician with his lyrics and play on words.
System Of A Down - Toxicity