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i find it funny that everyone assumes this is the result of brainwashing by social media algorithms, and not that conservative policy is increasingly unpopular with women. at least in my country, conservatives are trying to ban abortions, restrict access to contraceptives, and their frontrunner is currently on trial for defaming a women he sexually assaulted. the mental gymnastics it takes to ignore all this, and assume it's an algorithmic conspiracy is frankly staggering
It's all left/right nonsense. The two party system is a fallacy to make us believe we live in a democracy because we can choose a new master every few years, by putting a mark on a piece of paper, when really they are all working for the same side while professing to be for this or that. It doesn't matter, it's all designed to create black/white polarization and division to keep us all fighting amongst ourselves over petty stuff and sometimes some bigger stuff, while they get all together and implement whatever they please, according to their masters orders. It all works really well and, yes, media messaging, tv, film, social media algo all play a huge part in this. We think we are having free thought and making our own decisions but we heavily are manipulated! Elections are heavily manipulated via social media. That's where elections are being held now. People need to start researching this. It is fascinating and horrifying all at the same time. And it's been going on a very long time. The advent of social media has completely changed the script.
Completely agree. Care to share some links to help folks (me) research what you mentioned?
You find E Jean Carroll to be credible?
That woman is unhinged
in my country
I had to laugh at this, as if what you described is a mystery as to which country lol
Easy, its 60 years of feminist brainwashing. And men are manning up, because bad times creates strong men. Healthy men has sound rational thinking ability, while woman mixes emotional with rational whlie thinking.
Instagram and others social networks are optimized to cause this division... When the algo learns about you, your gender is one of the first things it guesses.
Tik Tok?
This is a fascinating trend. I didn't know it was a global phenomenon. I'm going to predict that women's views will start closing the gap.
The cliche is that men care about ideas and women care about relationships. As it becomes more socially acceptable to hold conservative ideas, more women will profess to hold them, especially if it helps their romantic relationships.
If that's right, a longer timeseries of this same data should show women lagging men.
Western or westernized nations
Good point about the social acceptability of conservative ideas
My dentist used to tease me for voting Republican. He is still my dentist
What would be a good non-western country to use as comparison?
It would only really be relevant if they had some kind of representative government.
Ukraine and Russia?
I am spitballing
India is what I was thinking, but I didn't know if I was forgetting someone obvious.
I haven't seen the data, but from the younger Indian people I know, I wouldn't be surprised if the trend holds there, too.
"men and women" have been in a bit of an ideological war for...ever. this feels like a product of the internet reinforcing underlying value systems that tend to be gendered. in other words, the potential for a discrepancy was always there, but it's recently been reinforced by self-psyops via everyone being able to more easily talk to each other.
That's going to leave many liberal spinsters
plus single conservative guys
Liberal women still go for Conservative men but Conservative men don't go for Liberal women.
I think this is mostly true
Women marry men with money
Interesting.. :) how does that actually work then? haha
They have sex with each other and then the man moves on
No call back? lol
More time for spin class
What happened to women in 2010?
Depends on which country you're looking at. USA is "What happened to women?" but South Korea is more "What happened to men?". UK is more "What happened to everybody?"
Korean women don’t want kids
Fertility and marriage rates have plummeted in South Korea since 1960
As @nout noted below... it was probably the algos.
And I'm not even being facetious, I genuinely think they are having an impact this large. An academic study of transgenderism in teens showed that the most predictive factor is social media usage.
skeptical of the accuracy of this data… how does one even measure how liberal or conservative they are?
especially when the policies of liberal and conservative politicians varies between countries and over time
Best take on this post.
I'm confused by the legend, which says it is based on "percent liberal minus percent conservative." It looks like women started out as a 10 in South Korea and went to a 30. Trying to imagine numbers that might produce a 10, I think 55% liberal, 45% conservative would do it, because 55 - 45 = 10. Since it went up to 30, I think that means the numbers shifted to something like 65% liberal, 35% conservative.
But this doesn't seem to make much sense in the UK. There, the number went up to 50 for women. Wouldn't that mean it is something like 75% liberal 25% conservative? Because that seems incredibly unlikely. I very much doubt that 75% of women in the UK identify as politically liberal.
The data sample is probably biased, or maybe the age group explains it (uk)?
The natural biological difference in personality traits like agreeableness (more common in women statistically) and also a predictor of liberal tendencies AFAIK but this can't be the whole answer on its own.
Eco chambers, algorithms and the relentless push of progressive propaganda from """think tanks""" (A.K.A neo-malthusian eugenics who wants to depopulate Earh maybe)
Because women benefit more than men do, from the current world politics
The narrative to pit women and men against each other has been working away for many decades - and it's worked.
The way I interpret the above graph is as follows:
Men want to go back to a "traditional" relationship with old-school roles.
Women want a relationship with more personal "freedom" and "independence" from her partner, no old-school roles.
How right or wrong am I?
It doesn't say what they mean with "lib" and "con".
You're assuming societal issues, could be true. It's the FT so maybe they're thinking economic as well which would me more like democratic vs republican maybe. Does "con" mean status-quo conservative or political (reationary) conservatism? Does "lib" mean actually liberal or do they mean leftist? Or did everyone in the poll interpret that word differently?
Behold! The lines are plenty and telling!
The algorithm has figured out that relationships compete for attention.
Looking at this chart, what I find interesting is in SK, Men are changing a lot while in the US and Germany it's the women changing more. And what's with UK doing all this 10 years ago? Does this correlate to adoption of a particular app?
2010 - probably FB, that's the biggest land of virtue signalling for UK females of a certain age
Really interesting about South Korea.
Huge gender divide here.
Men must go to army, women don't. Women need to sacrify everything if husband wants children, men not so much. Overall feeling of unfairness on both sides.
Current president pandered to the incels by promising to return back progressive policies from the former president.
What's the sacrifice for being a mother? The job or the carrier, I guess?
Career mostly. Society does not want you back in the workforce after taking a few years off to start your family.
And the reality is that it's become almost impossible for many households in this fiat world to have a decent life on a single steady income. Sadly, we can't have it all, and future generations are paying the price.
The compulsory military service needs to end for men
Its two years of lost earning potential
There is also a gender imbalance. More men than women. Women have more power in the marriage market and they take full advantage
Extremely low fertility rate
Women have more incentive to be liberal?
Economically and abortion wise, sure.
Females are apparently more affected by social contagion and peer pressure. I have a feeling this could be a lot to do with it. Women seem to care more about what others think. I find my female friends are more prone to virtue signalling to "look good" and the men give less of a 💩 what others think.
Another graph : -to divide people, -generate diference, -create pride, -generate guilty, -and many more....
Who were Young men and Young women ? -from town? village? -Mountain? seashore ? -Social class ? -Students? workers? -and many more....
I was asked to supply information to tick some boxes yesterday, a requirement for something completely unrelated to the questions asked, for which the government has the privilege of storing that data for a number of years and use it for whatever purpose they wish to illustrate.The questions were awkwardly phrased by the lovely female interviewer ..
So.... (my name) how would you define your sexual orientation?" She then shows me the list of options on a clipboard as I'm sitting next to her, she looks up to the ceiling of the building, waiting for my response.
I reply. Oh you know, heterosexual, I guess. Yes! Heterosexual I suppose. If we want to be factual.
We both avoid eye-contact. Interviewer reads next question.
it s sad.... :(
Men are more easy to brainwash through neoconservative and nationalistic ideas of make X country great again. In a world where the oppressed ethnicities (which were slaves till very recently) women (which still in many countries have no rights) and other minority groups historically discriminated have stronger voice and power than ever, the people who feel loosing power with all that changes are men. Young men specifically can feel they are loosing the privileges previous generations of men had, and so becoming more conservatives and against change.
So at the end is the forces of occupation, colonization and war against all changes needed in the world for all people to be free.
it seems like another divine and conquer. 🤔
Just how a good trading. I love it. Sir.
Politics are tricky and have a tricky past. I feel we’ve come a long way in the US. Think of men working in the farm and in factories. Women stayed home and without modern technologies that was a full time job plus with a house full of kids.
This current WOKE movement is swinging the pendulum too far the other way and we need to find more common ground. Social media tries to pull us apart. People should have national pride above all else, but in America I see people prouder to be republican or democrat over American. It’s sad. It hurts male female relationships, families, neighbors, and lets them win.
The root cause. Well a big one is flat money. It is forcing both partners to work and heightens stress and pushes political views. Hard money aka Bitcoin fixes this!
Always has been 👨‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀
The specific survey was heavy on questions about immigration as a proxy for political leaning. This is a big lever in US & European politics (don't know SK well).
The narrative on immigration is that it is a greater threat to the kinds of jobs men typically work, than women.
I'm anti-borders and pro-immigration, but can see how these ideas filter through mainstream media and influence beliefs and fears.