Huge gender divide here.
Men must go to army, women don't. Women need to sacrify everything if husband wants children, men not so much. Overall feeling of unfairness on both sides.
Current president pandered to the incels by promising to return back progressive policies from the former president.
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What's the sacrifice for being a mother? The job or the carrier, I guess?
Career mostly. Society does not want you back in the workforce after taking a few years off to start your family.
And the reality is that it's become almost impossible for many households in this fiat world to have a decent life on a single steady income. Sadly, we can't have it all, and future generations are paying the price.
The compulsory military service needs to end for men
Its two years of lost earning potential
There is also a gender imbalance. More men than women. Women have more power in the marriage market and they take full advantage