This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Yesterday, Thursday, June 23rd, 2022, SN topped its previous all-time high for daily uniques: 1,282.
The previous high was at 1,176 daily unique visitors, which occurred a day earlier, on Wednesday, June 22nd.
The previous high before that was 1,154 daily unique visitors, which occurred on Monday, May 23rd. So this ATH beat the May 23rd previous high by 11%.
I passed my Cisco exam :-)
Plebeian auction ends in less than 1 day. Weimar 5T emergency bill for sale
I believe the near future of Bitcoin/LN adoption is going to come from competitions where people can win sats. Its very easy for organisers to set up and for now its very easy for people to get a LN wallet (Wallet of Satoshi).
What is needed is an organiser who can put event together in whatever form, and have the prize paid out to the winner. A website where people could set up their own events would be amazing. A sort of Ebay of events. Play starcraft 2? Having a tournament soon? Set it up on (bad name) and pay the winner in sats. You can even charge a fee to enter the competition and not having to rely on sponsers for the prize even tho some LN companies might be happy to sponser!
The more i think about it, the more i believe this is the near term future of sats. Who doesent mind winning some BTC? You are taking minimal risk, who cares if it swings 50% in a month. Thats part of the fun you can argue from this persons point of view. Sats are also international, so people from all over the world can participate. No paypal account or bank account needed. Im actually surprised that BTC/Sats arent part of the prize in online competitions like games and stuff.
I have an interview today!
Break a leg!
My fountain boosts and tips aren’t working. Why? No idea. Once all these bugs get flushed out and the can fix the battery consumption issue this could be a killer app!
I can stream, but when I do a boost, it errors out. I check my wallet and the podcast's boosts and I see it there anyways. 🤷🏿‍♂️
If anyone wants to donate to my goal to open a lightning channel with a starting capacity of 200k sats, tip me on here or you can send sats to Something I really want to do to help lightning grow, and I don't have the funds to put in myself so I'm taking donations. Currently I have 72408 sats towards my goal!
I vaguely remember that there was some website/Service (I don't remember exactly) that would open a channel to anyone with only outbound channel liquidity on their side to everyone for free^TM.
Anyone remember what I'm talking about here?
zerofeerouting would open channels for as little as 8,000 sats. But you are renting the liquidity and may have to pay 8000 again later. If you had enough sats yourself you would not have to pay this rent when opening a channel because you could just use your own. Just saying
Sounds like a bad deal exploiting poor people
To be fair anything that costs money sounds like it exploits poor people.
But Wallet of Satoshi is an option if you want free liquidity. WoS need to earn money tho, so it probably isnt free if taking a closer look.