Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Hey @chris42 you're the maker of Litstak, right?
I observed that my posts don't get voted on anymore after they lost once. Any plans to make it more desirable for me to post there?
I have also noticed that some pictures seem to reemerge again and again while my posts don't. Why is that?
Hey Tom 👋 thanks for the feedback, will debug the issue and get a fix in
Day 19 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 747 sats on 5Jan2024! Running total: 15,486 sats!
Did an hour or so of working on my book this morning in an old cafe in Kanagawa, Japan.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @mo 6 Jan
Thinking about legal stuff and what will and will not allow in the ~Ágora. Maybe @k00b has some suggestions on it?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo 7 Jan
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50 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 6 Jan
lol, nice combination of hot posts
Day 266 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 66 push-ups. (40 - 10 - 16)
Had to come back to make sure we got the salute in 🫡
Next challenge will definitely be weight loss.
That’s a tough one to work towards in this form (ie daily) as it’s a complicated metric - much like Bitcoin itself isn’t a smooth line of adoption / price appreciation.
I was thinking of just doing a slight caloric deficit for 100 days. It's very important to keep it simple, measurable and consistent!
That could work. Using a calorie tracker app like UA’s myfitness..?
Yeah, something like that!
🥰Tales of Symphonia 🥰
The weekend has begun!!! What a day, hot cup of java is served, birds are chirping and sun is nice and warm, gorgeous day indeed, it's time to relax and pamper ourselves gang, take this day to reflect on how productive our week was and just enjoy the day with a treat, a walk to the pier, the beach, the park, a nice dinner with the family, a bbq with friends, a movie with all the snacks, a get together with friends and family or just a nice glass of wine with a good book, ice cream from the local parlor, whatever makes you smile and feel happy, just do it, I wish you all a phenomenal weekend and may it be filled with relaxation, love and joy, you deserve it and you're worthy my good friend, you are absolutely amazing and don't forget it! As always, be well and stay frosty my friend!
Mornin Stackers,
The weekends plan is as follows;
Laundry/5k run/Clean Kitchen/Part Time job search Walk Dog/PlebDev/Full time job emails/Spend time with wife Github Commits/Nix Os Territory posts Finish CryptoSovereignty and start Bitcoin is Venice Buy a new keyboard and mouse
Lets go! Hustle
Busy weekend. Get after it! 💪💪
Well finally snow at my house this winter. Gonna enjoy it with my boys!
music of today!
You could do a daily/weekly/however frequently segment in ~Music on Turkish music, I know I'd listen to it, I always enjoy hearing "foreign" language music, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, German, Mongolian, just because I don't understand the language doesn't mean I can't appreciate the music 😉
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 6 Jan
Feel like the bar is too low here. If they said Julian is free to live in the UK, yes, finally. Justice at the royal courts.
120 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 6 Jan
Viktor Frankl said,
"When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure"
Anon hitting hard today
Join us January 20th for a hands-on workshop with Christopher David.
Christopher David will be teaching us about The Convergence of AI & Bitcoin.
Apply for TopBuilder before Jan. 13th, 2024:
#Bitcoin #TopBuilder #BuildOnBitcoin
Waiting for a snail… sounds ridiculous. I am came here for that and the madness. Sounds even more ridiculous.
221 sats \ 0 replies \ @mango 6 Jan
Day 47 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 2 minutes x 3 sets
max push-ups: 31
No sign of snail. Goes to check charts.
Spent a little time on the mountain Spent a little time on the hill Heard some say better run away Others say you better stand still
It s King's Day (not catholic) but it s a familly day
So let s celebrate it with food, present for kids and all the wishes to everyone :)
I was today years old when I realised that you can click on “here” to find out the rankings of your comments the day before.
Looks like I would go down the rabbit hole a bit further because I want to produce a top 10 comment!
oh yes, I always love to see that, and like I shared before the cheat codes in SN is create + zap = stack!
would you like to learn the hack on how to see all the top-ranked comments from previous days?
A resounding YES!
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 6 Jan
Are you already selling (SN) hacks on a black market?
I guess you have already seen too much in ~security ...
no, just testing the water 😝
where are the stackers? Bitcoin is 24/7, no breaks!
just listened to SNL, and I realized that I forgot to include the official inflation rate in Turkiye in this post, this is USD to Lira for the past five years.
This is Bitcoin to Lira for the past five years.
But I guess stackers know these numbers are not real, and not really saying what is happening on the ground; a more practical sample I can share is 100-150Lira used to be enough to pay for a simple lunch up till 2021, but now can only buy a cup of latte ( if it's in Istanbul). However, 150 Lira can still get a decent lunch in many other small cities. I lived in istanbul for three years, and now, every time I go back, I feel money just like flying away and way less pleasant when you are around stressed people. ( But hey, things are still way cheaper here compared with many countries, especially the value you get from what you pay. )
And bonus! here is the art of choosing shops or services in Turkiye
  • The worst tier is those tailored to foreign tourists - if a shop has English only, staying away is the way.
  • The second worst are those tailored to foreigners or high-earning locals, oh these are the real sharks! for example, I used to live in an apartment in the European side of istanbul, and I remember the management fee used to be 700tl/month in 2021, and the fee was 3600tl/ monthly in 2023 on top of many other fees - these modern apartments are such a scam, everything is centralized and has many forced subscriptions.
  • The good but average ones are normally in Turkish only, these are everywhere once you are out of tourist areas.
  • The Great ones are those loved by locals - simply do some homework or ask around. Generally, there are old shops around the old town, and many of them are small family businesses, great quality but amazing price, I often think are they doing charity?
  • The REAl gem: the quiet craftsmen and makers who spent all their life crafting for one thing! Not only it's reasonably priced ( YES! Surprised! ) and such delightful experiences, not rushy, no sales tactic, no fancy packaging, but damn good quality ( once you tasted it, you can't go back ); it's quite hard to find tho, my secret solution is I do my researches from Turkish sources, ask around locals and travel all the way to meet them.

PS: today is a good day to start your new morning routine @ekzyis
257 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 6 Jan
When are you going to offer on SN marketplace some of this quality crafted products?
till I make sure everything is being crafted enough ( reputation is expensive! ), like I see many of them could still improved, e.g. handmade wool socks with ladies from the black sea region, I don't want it to be just wool but with natural dyes wool or a handwoven scarf, not just with cotton with traditional method but with cotton from natural dyes and handwoven in traditional method 😂
So it's still beta testing, but the good news is that some of my friends are being guinea pigs atm - and I'm currently putting a cleaning bag together with the best stuff I've collected and tested from different part of Turkiye: handmade soap + coconut lip balm + jojoba oil + rose water, it just annoys me whenever I see some chemical items that friends are using, so I could be just like hey here you go, feel free to try:)
1268 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 6 Jan
PS: today is a good day to start your new morning routine @ekzyis
But I am still planning to do it today
ok, the end of the video is not representative, lol
768 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 6 Jan
wake up zap!
good morning @ekzyis
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 6 Jan
it's like 1 in the afternoon, it's not even early in the morning
That video is too relatable, lol
Your guide to buying goods and services reminds me of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for some reason. Well structured!
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