When are you going to offer on SN marketplace some of this quality crafted products?
till I make sure everything is being crafted enough ( reputation is expensive! ), like I see many of them could still improved, e.g. handmade wool socks with ladies from the black sea region, I don't want it to be just wool but with natural dyes wool or a handwoven scarf, not just with cotton with traditional method but with cotton from natural dyes and handwoven in traditional method 😂
So it's still beta testing, but the good news is that some of my friends are being guinea pigs atm - and I'm currently putting a cleaning bag together with the best stuff I've collected and tested from different part of Turkiye: handmade soap + coconut lip balm + jojoba oil + rose water, it just annoys me whenever I see some chemical items that friends are using, so I could be just like hey here you go, feel free to try:)