Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
11 days wearing my cowboy hat 🤠, personal record is 19, let's go for it!
Happy New Year Shrimps. Is anyone successfully using Arc Browser and Alby extension? I cant log in with lighting anywhere on Arc, the rest of the browser is v nice.
296 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 1 Jan
Happy New Year @DarthCoin!! Wherever you are.
Happy new year everyone! Wherever you are.
Happy New Year fellow stackers! Look forward to spending far too much time with you all in 2024!
Happy New Year! It's rare that I'm awake this late. I hope you and the family had a great holiday season.
I ended up staying up to watch the Nashville New Years bash with Lynyrd Skynyrd headlining. That was pretty cool.
Yes, we had a great holiday season. Hope you and your family did as well.
Thanks. We did also. I heard Skynard is celebrating 50 year anniversary. Man am I old.
They sounded great.
I'm trying out some mega zapping for New Years. Not @Undisciplined or @elvismercury level. I don't have the intestinal fortitude for that.
It's hard to argue with the top Cowboy, but I've stacked about 300k sats over the past few months from zapping this way.
Oh, your methods are sound. It's just a little unnerving with all those territories to pay.
I think I am going to take a hybrid approach.
High Quality Post anywhere: 1000 sats Good Post in sports: 100 sats Any comment to my posts: 50-100 sats Back and forth replies: 50-100 sats Mentioned in a discussion thread but not actively participating: 10 sats
Maybe I'll follow that plan.
Happy New Year stackers
Happy new year
Poor animals btw
yes, I am fun at parties
Happy new year stackers, cowboys and even shitcoiners ❤️ nahhh just kidding 🎉🎉🎉🎉
so much cleaner and clearer now with the mute feature!
Great to see this get picked-up so quickly. Quite the intensive task 😅 I'm on 40 muted with 30 remaining. As a territory owner though, would be great to know the % of Stackers opted-in.
Jeez are there that many territories?
We only know how many opted out though. “You’ve been rejected by X stackers. GFY”
I'd like the territory owner to get a message whenever their territory gets muted:
"You've been rejected by __________. GFY."
Can the team get on that and make it retroactive?
That would be perfect. We can have a Wall of Shame on SN live 🤣
6 left for me 🫣 ~privacy is one of them:)
less is more - and actually @saloon is the best place.
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yes, but short term pain is better than long term 😂
Happy new year gang!!! Boy oh, boy, 2023 went pretty fast but it was a good year overall, it had its ups and downs but what a ride eh? Make sure you make your list of strategies and most importantly, your set goals for this new year, 2024 will be a great one as well. So get your goals, divide it into smaller ones and keep doing one at a time, you've got this my friend, I believe in you and you're awesome, never forget it. I wish you all a phenomenal day and let's start this 2024 with a fantastic an positive attitude. Wish you the absolute best and a big hug!! Thank you for being and thank you for doing great things!!! Be well and stay frosty my friend!!
December 31 is Japanese New Year, otherwise known as Oomisoka. My Japanese wife prepared a nourishing bowl of soba noodles for me. It isn’t your typical soba as it has a special name (toshikoshi soba) and symbolises how people cut off all the negativity that has occurred within 2023 by cutting these noodles with their chopsticks. As I tucked into the noodles, I took a deep breath to appreciate my time on Stacker News. May it yield even more sats for me next year heh
Happy Japanese New Year!
Looking forward to reading more of your work in 2024!
these will be now ~meta exclusives
There it is lol :D
Day 13 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 841 sats on 30Dec2023! Running total: 10,769 sats!
@ekzyis I've implemented doubly-linked lists via retroactive comments on old comments :)
Ahh, I am stuck in a loop now
And nice, clever way :) Will keep this in mind.
Need an exit condition lol
Keep telling myself that I should buy my first house next year, but all I can think about is becoming boomer exit liquidity.
Hey we all need a place to lay our heads. When everything fails at the very least secure your shelter! Don’t let fiat boomers leave you homeless!
True dat… or at least liquidity for them to help their children : grand children on the ladder.
where is the daily pill of today?
Watched this today, the youtube algo suggested it The Craft, the Spell and the Word
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Finishing up the year on the right foot! Happy New Year’s Eve!
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Never forget. We are up against Goliath. Theys will fight us for control of our money. It is our money!
Stack hard, run your own node, zap Sats, stay humble!
Happy New Year Cowboys!
Being honest means nothing if you're only honest when it's easy.
Everything of value, is invisible to our eyes.
Humans are finally learning.
air, energy and love? 👀
And bitcoin 😋
Sometimes the cards ain't worth a dime, If you don't lay them down.
Thinking of starting a new territory. Tempted to go high level to allow for a lot of subterritories to exist within. Any timeline for the implementation of subterritories? Not to push, but just having this info will help me make the better decision.
So much uncharted territories. Just like the Wild West. Are you willing to risk your fortune?
Happy New Year and Best Wishes!
It's a bit of a gamble. I'll reassess in a few months based on how my territories work out (~science and ~language_learning). If I end up deciding to cancel them, I'll consider the few months of fees a donation to @k00b and his team for the work they are doing here.
Any timeline for the implementation of subterritories?
Probably not what you want to hear, but I would say within next year.
Might be early next year, might be not. Let's see.
Not to push, but just having this info will help me make the better decision.
I like when people ask, it shows interest in what we're building here.
I'm hoping for end of February at the latest. We mostly need to work on wallet stuff otherwise, but after we get hybrid custodial/non-custodial send/receive, I'll likely reenergize by working on this before going back to the wallet again.
It shouldn't be too much work to get this done. Maybe 1-2 weeks of scattered effort.
It's the way it is, no worries :) I'm free to submit a PR myself, after all.
In line with the previous question, I think I read somewhere one can change the name of a territory (not now, but a planned feature). This would be fully at the territory's owner's discretion?
This would be fully at the territory's owner's discretion?
I would think so. But we haven't decided on the specifics on this yet.
Winter's icy grip Softens to a gentle breeze All life’s hopes renewed…
Sharing some of my biggest changes in 2023
  • I overcame my fear in writing in English
I used to be a bit shy when sharing things in English and even hired a native to proofread them, but now I share everything raw and even dare to share in a place full of smart people! I guess better focus on the value you provide instead of worrying grammars or typos.
I started to write exactly on this day 6 years ago ( in another language ); I've made many mistakes and learned a lot from it and yes - wiring is maybe one of the best POWs out there, I recommend everyone give it a try, and I wish there was a platform like SN when I started - lucky humble stackers!
  • I stopped buying stupid things
I deleted all the online shopping sites early this year and started to learn how to make things with my bare hand by being around craftsmen. Much proof coming up soon:) I guess this change is largely because I put most of my savings into BTC - precious money deserves real quality.
  • I stopped using any makeup and use natural skincare only
I reached my fiat skincare peak in 2022 when I was in Amsterdam with many shopping bags from all kind of brands, and realized how stupid I was! Now I only use simple soap + oil + hamma, and my skin might be the best I've ever seen:)
what are your biggest changes this year? 👀
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you write better than me do
See? Even this reply is art. Such efficient, very lol. The dot at the end is the cherry on the top.
I understand your insecurity. I have it too. However, to think your standard of English and literacy is poor is ridiculous. You are well read, intelligent, and very articulate. I don't doubt your sincerity in your delusional self assessment. Maybe it's good in preventing you from having an insufferable sense of superiority!
You are very kind but my self-doubt is quite real and with good cause. But thank you.
drumroll 🥁
my standard of English and literacy is poor so it was a huge hurdle for me. So glad I did and so relieved people are sympathetic to my attempts. =
it's @DarthCoin showed and helped me to understand that it's the value you provide that actually matters, not about all the fancy or complicated words that you use; I guess due to the fact that we are not native so we prefer using simple words, and that could actually be our advantages:)!
Valid points. When I ask directions I don’t need fancy words telling where to go.
I think 95% of my ChatGPT usage is about checking if I made grammar or spelling mistakes in English.
But I think it's mostly my interest in knowing details. So I'm interested to know if I got it right.
But to some degree, I also want to not lose the people that will just dismiss what I said based on spelling mistakes. Even though I shouldn't care so much probably.
Btw, fun fact in case someone didn't know already: scammers use language mistakes on purposes for to filter for their target group.
I was thinking of using chatgpt for this very reason.
I am a terrible writer but I work on it every single day!
I occasionally mess around with AI art but don’t trust it for the written word. I feel it could be the cruel friend who, in response to asking what the English for ‘Good Morning’ is, actually tells you the saying ‘You smell of rotten cabbage’…
Yes, I agree. You shouldn't trust it. You should use it to enhance your writing, not replace it.
I consider myself smart enough to notice when it's hallucinating stuff again.
But this also means I wouldn't use it for languages I don't know anything about.
There are people out there which got a wrong tattoo because they got trolled because they can't read it, lol
You should use it to enhance your writing, not replace it.
agree, sometimes I rather keep the way how it was, because I like it!
Btw, fun fact in case someone didn't know already: scammers use language mistakes on purposes for to filter for their target group.
for example?
for example?
Phishing e-mails originate from questionable accounts that sound legitimate, have generic greetings and/or signatures, and often contain grammar or spelling errors that give them away.
There is a picture of an example phishing mail on this site where they mention that a wrong date format was used. You could say they just did a mistake but I believe they know what they're doing. They don't want to target people who would spot such mistakes. They want to reach the people who wouldn't.
And when in doubt: it's better to overestimate people than to underestimate them - especially when it comes to picking your battles :)
I use grammarly 👀
and one of the interesting things I've observed is that it seems many Bitcoiners are bilinguals or trilinguals or more, maybe speaking different languages opens the mind and dares to change the default things, e.g., money?
I do worry about Grammerly having access from a privacy point of view. I use a checker for my college work though.
I speak Spanish, English, passable French & Arabic and am currently learning Italian. I have learnt more spoken language from being ‘in country’ than in the library lol.
I do worry about Grammerly having access from a privacy point of view.
as long as you don't share private stuff, I think it's fine.
and Arabic! wow, amazing! 😳 I like humble stackers! so if anything serious happen, many of us got to verify things in different sources.
I have learnt more spoken language from being ‘in country’ than in the library lol.\
same, I'm definitely not those well-behaved ones in schools:)!
Arabic by necessity… I can recommend anyone visiting the Middle East learn even a few words.
I think it's because online comms are usually English. So most people know English and the language with which they grew up with.
I really notice how my German starts to get worse, lol. Or I just notice how you can say some stuff better in English so I have forgotten how to say it in German.
it happens to me sometimes, I need to search things back! and now I occasionally mixed Turkish with English 😁
I see English as a tool to communicate and share, but it seems the best stuff still being well kept in other languages.
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not 10/10? 👀
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Day 260 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 60 push-ups. (35 - 20 - 5)
Day 41 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 3 minutes 16 seconds (Walking downstairs like a penguin after this one)
P.S. 35!!!!!!!! DAAAAAAMN man. You be cray cray. What was your highest pushup numbers before you started snailing?
Really nice numbers!
I was pretty fit pre-pandemic but haven't excercised so much since (apart from cycling). That was mostly bouldering, so mostly "pull" exercises rather than push-ups.
35 in one set might be a PB for me!
Still do it? How much do you weigh? You'd have watched the amazing "free solo" doc I assume!
Also what country are you from?
Oh I don't climb outside, there are indoor climbing gyms which are getting really popular here in the UK!
I am not lean enough to be a serious climber. I think when I was active I hovered around 85 kg, but my ideal weight for my size would be closer to 75-80 kg. Body fat puts a huge limit on what you can do - try doing pull-ups with a 10 kg weight strapped to your back...!
Did you say you were from India?
Your lats must be pumped with all the climbing. Also the grip strength.
I have soft hands and pencil fingers. Been working on my grip strength using this Can do 13 max pull ups. Have tried with 6kg added weight with max 6 pulls. I only weight about 65kg.
I'm Indian. Do let me know if you come to south india. Any day would love to meet a bitcoiner.
I'd say my grip strength is pretty good, but of course when you have to haul all my flab it counts for less...!
13 pull-ups is really good. I think my max reps per set was around 10.
After I hit 100 push-ups I was thinking of starting a similar challenge with bodyweight rows / pull-ups for the lats!
40 more days to 100 pushups..
Gut says the US ETF hype would be a nothingburger. Some entity with deep pockets seem to be funding the spam attack, one could only wonder if they are also keeping the prices stagnant!?
Adding on pulls would be great. Maybe a bit of horse stance for your legs and mind! :)
Nice! You are up early…. Hope you make it to midnight lol
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Blame the internet, porn, and men simping. The fact it’s men out there paying women thousands of dollars to jerk off to foot pictures tells you all you need to know about the failure of man
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Its called hoeflation, and its destroying western men's desires to be providers and protectors.
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Its called hoeflation, and its destroying western men's desires to be providers and protectors.
not sure how much I like the sound of this word... 😰
fun fact: men in Turkey or certain part of Asia still really traditional, kinda of interesting to think what is contributing to this difference.
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Howdy… let’s do shots!
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That’s me running away when I realise it’s a bad idea lol