Any timeline for the implementation of subterritories?
Probably not what you want to hear, but I would say within next year.
Might be early next year, might be not. Let's see.
Not to push, but just having this info will help me make the better decision.
I like when people ask, it shows interest in what we're building here.
It's the way it is, no worries :) I'm free to submit a PR myself, after all.
In line with the previous question, I think I read somewhere one can change the name of a territory (not now, but a planned feature). This would be fully at the territory's owner's discretion?
This would be fully at the territory's owner's discretion?
I would think so. But we haven't decided on the specifics on this yet.
I'm hoping for end of February at the latest. We mostly need to work on wallet stuff otherwise, but after we get hybrid custodial/non-custodial send/receive, I'll likely reenergize by working on this before going back to the wallet again.
It shouldn't be too much work to get this done. Maybe 1-2 weeks of scattered effort.