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I'm totally with you on the building 7 thing. They haven't even offered a definitive explanation for it. You see people (see the first response to this comment) who just make something up, that even the government isn't claiming.
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The explanation is weak. Fire and damage.
Building 7 just makes me wonder. Again crappy investigation leads to doubt and speculation. The state sucks. Its also evil. Not sure which is the case here. Could be both.
As a rule, I'm very open to believing the state would do any of the things conspiracy theorists allege. Where I tend to be skeptical is whether or not they could do what they're alleged to have done and whether or not the incentives actually make sense.
It fell down at free fall speed. Also, jet fuel cannot take down a skyscraper. That's just physics.
at what other speed would you expect it to fall? :D
WTC7 wasnt a skyscraper.....off topic.
I see why you took my comment the way you took it, but I wasn't ever claiming that building 7 wasn't hit by debris. My point was that the official explanation wasn't just "It got hit by debris and fell over."
We agree then :) "9/11 wasnt as they say".
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dunno what "feel over" means but yea, gravity pulls down :)
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I guess all the other buildings in that picture fell down then too.
I see a badly damaged building with standing walls. Also, I was being too glib in my prior comment. My understanding is that Building 7 was constructed differently than those other buildings and should have been more sturdy than them, not less.
It's fine with me if you're convinced by your theory of what happened. That might be all there is to it, but there are other oddities with building 7 that aren't present with those other buildings. It's enough for me to feel like there's more to the story than has been acknowledged.
Its fine with me if you are convinced by your theory of what happened.
I don't have a theory of what happened.