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As a kid I was really interested in conspiracy theories. It was the 80s-90s and the world was very different. Now I need new ones since most I believed in have come true lol. I often call myself a conspiracy therapist(Stolen from Adam Curry).
I find many people are either believers in all conspiracy theories(gullible) or think anything that is a conspiracy theory is crazy(also gullible). I used to tell people about government programs and get them to call it a crazy conspiracy theory. Then I'd show they the documents from the gov admitting to the actions. It was entertaining.
My favorite example of this was when Edward Snowden exposed the NSA accepting an apology from a co-worker. You were right Bob! I bet many here experienced that.
So, where are you. What do you believe and not believe.
One Theory I Believe:
The JFK assassination investigation was a cover up. I don't pretend to know what happened but it is obvious that the government was not interested in digging to get the truth. Instead they wanted to take control and move on.
One Theory I Do Not Believe
The moon landing was faked. I don't buy it. Its not that I don't buy the US would lie and try to fool the world. I just don't buy that they were capable to doing this at that time. It seems to me that it would have come out by now, that there would be much more evidence proving it a fake.
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I believe the CIA killed JFK. Come to think of it, I'm a real tinfoil hat guy. I believe most of them. I guess I don't buy the Freemasonry stuff.
I won't say I believe the CIA did it but I think at least they know who did it.
I really think anyone who can't name one they don't believe needs to check their gullibility.
Same goes for anyone that doesn't believe any of them. What I used to tell people like that is many things were theory until they were exposed. Watergate is a great example.
I also remember during the Covid times people I knew that didn't buy what the government was telling them but then they'd believe some random dude on social media obviously shilling a product and spewing non-sense. And I'm not talking about the many doctors or people with evidence behind them. I'm talking about the real crackpots.
I have a theory that US citizens have had it so good that we have far to much trust in government and other people. Most of the people I know that came out of oppressed nations do not share this attribute. They seem to be far more skeptical of authority and people trying to scam them.
I agree completely. I do notice a change regarding U.S. citizens trusting the government. Regular middle of the road folks I know don't accept things at face value post covid. Even mask and vax democratic friends have changed. They saw the man behind the curtain once too often.
One theory I believe
The two main political parties in the United States of America, private organizations beholden to its corporate structure, captured the government long ago, and has since also captured the election system. They work in collusion, as organizations, to continue their duopoly upon the most powerful nation on the planet. WWIII started decades ago, maybe with the war on terror, and the two parties are terrified they will lose their stranglehold on world hegemony with what seems like continued failures in every country we regime change to save them from oppression.
One theory I do not believe
God gave Moses the ten commandments.
The Moses thing isn't really a "conspiracy theory" is it?
Have you read the stories? people push that stuff off as history
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I believe 9/11 was not what the government said on the investigation and it's highly probable an inside job.
I don't believe all vaccines are bad.
Believing all vaccines are bad is pretty rare. That's a psyop to squash dissenting voices. Vaccines like all treatments/medicines have tradeoffs as well as side effects. When you hear people saying you are anti-vax because you don't want to take one or more of them that's like saying someone that is opposed to eating bad food is anti-food. These are people that do not think.
A parallel to anti-vax slur is isolationist. If you are opposed to the war state you are an isolationist. Even if you favor free trade with all nations and people. People that use these slurs expose their ignorance of thoughts outside of the narrow band of acceptable opinions. I'm always underwhelmed by people like this. People like Ben Shapiro. What's even more underwhelming is people that act like Shapiro is some extremist when he's really a rather boring Republican talking head that owns inexperienced college progressives in their twenties.
Yeah the 9/11 investigation was a joke. Clearly they were covering up something. I am not convinced it was an inside job but just like JFK the investigation was designed to construct a believable narrative that preserved the illusion of our system. That is always the case though. If you expect justice from these institutions you do not understand incentives.
What I find more interesting about 9/11 is how it was used as the pretext to do a bunch of stuff many in power wanted to do already. You see this with Covid as well. Never let a crisis go to waste.
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@kepford, @siggy47, @premitive1, @Signal312, @Scholarhacker, @purpurato, @kytt Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick Have any of you seen this? It's 3.5 hours long, but's its the most impressive documentary I've seen, never would've seen it if it weren't for @DarthCoin's list.
His explanation for the JFK killing is WILD. Watch at least the first 5 mins, trust me
As for the question: I BELIEVE The CIA knows exactly what happened to MH370. I DON'T BELIEVE in flat Earth, it's a sphere my man. BUT I do think we live in, as Eric Weinstein says, "a map, not the underlying territory"
Starting the movie now. Spoiler: The Rothschilds did it.
Yes, great movie. It's been a while - I'm probably due to watch it again.
  1. I believe climate science is heavily politicized and global warming risks blown up in the media. We are actually fine.
  2. I don’t believe 9/11 was an inside job
If you look at the incentives it kinda makes sense. It would be hard to get gov funding and grants contra climate change. Similar to how pharma is not gonna study nutrition. Its not their business model. Making dugs is
Your first one is interesting to me, because I think most of the people perpetuating it are just useful idiots who really believe the propaganda. However, the people intentionally fabricating scientific evidence or activists fabricating evidence for their sensational claims clearly know they're being dishonest.
Yes and it’s mostly about money, as always. Bitcoin fixes this.
One I believe: The Vegas Shooter was a Fed.
One I don't believe: I'm honestly not sure.
Do you subscribe to a particular theory wrt the Vegas shooter? All I know is that that story is weird as hell and the media lost interest in it way too abruptly.
That's your homework. There better be at least one.
POPULATION CONtROL - Vegetables are poison
Our food is poisoned, air is poisoned, water is poisoned, medical industry treats symptoms not underlying condition (I am a licensed provider who has worked emergency and non emergency medicine)
The 100 that rule the world benefit most on humans that are sick and unhealthy. Relying on the system.
If you eat meat, fruit and honey - most of your illness will disappear (have done this for myself). You don’t need meds, you don’t see docs, your depression is gone, hormones stabilize and libido returns. Workout on top of this and your stealing money from the thieves at the top.
Learn about bitcoin and your dominating.
What is the conspiracy? Vegetables are poison? Don't you think that is a bit reductive? All vegetables? Haven't heard that one. Population control is not a conspiracy. Its in the wide open. Its marketed lol.
At a minimum the "healthcare industry" is focused on "treatment" not solutions. Pharma has no interest in nutrition. Personally my rational position is that humans have eaten meat for thousands of years. Vegetables as well but most populations ate mostly meat before the development of cities. And what have we seen in the last 100 years? A bunch of chemical companies creating lab based foods to save money and "feed the world".
I know to many people that have went off of factory food and saw huge benefits to make me believe that nutrition is not a huge issue for the world. Sugar as well as fake sugars are probably one of the worst things for our health. It sure isn't meat. I will grant that factor farms raising animals are inhuman and that meat has issues but I would rather eat that than the chemical crap most people eat.
Sounds like we agree on just about all of it.
Yes, vegetables are plants that are trying to kill you. Their only defense to survive is to secrete and produce inflammatory chemical responses, bitterness, spiciness etc. do some research into what carcinogens basic every day veggies produce. About 60 minimum per average vegetable we are told to eat. Carnivore MD (Paul Saladino) great resource. He is a MD and posts blood panels. Previous vegan.
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I'm eating a lot fewer veggies and fruits, far more meat and eggs, and I feel much more energetic, very noticeable. I'm inching my way, potentially, into the carnivore diet. I'm also immersing myself in some of the contrarian books on the topic.
For a takedown of veggie "superfoods", you might find the book Toxic Superfoods interesting. Quick summary - oxalates (and other compounds in plants) can cause serious health issues over time, and acute health issues for some people. This is especially a problem with some of the plant products regarded as superfoods, especially spinach, almonds, and chia seeds. Those are some of the worst in oxalates, and I've eliminated them completely from my diet.
I don't believe bitcoin was a test project by an American agency
I believe the pyramids in Egypt were constructed long before the pharaohs
it's rather shocking to see so many saying "i don't believe 9/11 was an inside job"
I guess that depends on their definition of "inside job", which is open to a modicum of interpretation. I found it more shocking to see one fellow explicitly say 9/11 was not a controlled demolition. Which is just... well, stupid.
That's the kindest word I can think of for that statement. The science behind the controlled demolition explanation is iron clad, and anyone claiming otherwise is a bad actor, or a complete fool.
I'm like @siggy47. I believe most of them.
One Theory I Believe
The earth is [probably] flat. A lot of what I've seen leads to me believe that it's likely flat, but if it isn't, the current model is definitely not what we're told it is. When I finally saw [what I perceive to be] the truth, it finished off the breaking of my worldview and my belief of the afterlife.
People often ask, why would they hide it? Because if the world is flat, the plane is either infinite or it's finite, meaning it must have been created. Realizing you've been put here for a reason, instead of by random chance, drastically changes how you view the world. It did me.
By the way, this is not a topic I will debate about. I used to make fun of people for most conspiracies, including this one, but I've seen so much now that I know the current model is broken. It's basically the mother of all conspiracies.
One Theory I Do Not Believe
The whole "birds aren't real" thing. I've shot enough in the past that, sooner or later, I would have had to come across a robot or whatever they say birds are.
Yeah, flat earth is BS. Its so absurd I didn't even think to mention it in my OG post. Glad someone did though.
Curious how starlink works with flat earth model... elon must reveal his true secrets!
I think it's time for you and @siggy47 to go sailing and test this infinite flat earth idea out. I think you'll change your mind in much the same way you did regarding birds. eventually you'll accept that the earth isn't infinite, and also that it's not on a flat plane
You think I'm nuts? What if I fall off?
  • Chemtrails seem like BS to me, I never got any good confirmation of it.
  • We laded on the moon.
  • Depopulation theory (I think its just effects of fiat standard)
  • Jews control the world (stupid generalisation)
  • NSA made Bitcoin (thank you NSA I guess)
  • 9/11 wasnt as they say, but wasnt controlled demolition neither, there might be bits of truth in conspiracy. Government knew but let it happen.
I believe:
  • Chinese virus was made in lab
  • Kennedy was wacked by the government
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I'm totally with you on the building 7 thing. They haven't even offered a definitive explanation for it. You see people (see the first response to this comment) who just make something up, that even the government isn't claiming.
I believe humanity was a galactic species (Eden) prior to us being punished for our violent transgressions. We were culled (Noahs ark) and the virtuous were spared before being banished to the outer rim of our galaxy with a 250k year sentence. We are actively monitored by the prison guards (UFO/UAP/etc) but some of them feel sorry/empathy for us and hook us up with tools to progress (late 1940s tech explosion). Revealing themselves breaks the rules around our containment. This is why Jimmy Carter weeps. For more info, look up the Dogon tribe.
I don't believe humans evolved from apes.
I don't believe humans evolved from apes.
me too
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I came across a gent who also makes statements that civilizations are seeded.
this is something more interesting to learn/ try to verify.
I have a loose theory that there seems to be a deterioration in the CGI of Hollywood Movies. Nothing looks remotely real anymore, whether this is just a bias on my part idk it could be a lot of factors (inflation etc.)
But anyway, could the crème de la crème of CGI be captured on a deep state level and waiting to use it for a future global event that will be released among all the social media and TV media, where we're just unable to decipher the new content because movies nowadays are pure shit.
Lookout Mountain Studio/Operation Mockingbird
Thats just basic crapflation for you :) Fiat standard makes everything worse. Including animation.
I tend to think the deep state is far more subtle. TV producer Norman Lear created an org that writes scripts to push messages on audiences. I don't know of any connection between Lear(who died this year) and the CIA but its just one example of what you are talking about.
When you read about the CIA (Legacy of Ashes) you learn that they have connections in many places and influence many things. Its naive to think they do not do this with Hollywood.
what I believe
  • Someone is pulling the strings above most governments of various levels. Developing countries not so much
  • "safe and effective"
  • 9/11 was an inside job
  • Hama's is Israel (however Israel is a puppet for something bigger)
What I don't believe
  • Flat earth conspiracies
Are you serious? Developing countries are even more controlled. If you study what the US and China have done to manipulate these places its criminal.
Take a look at "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" for a look at what you are describing. I mean, someone else pulling the strings in most governments isn't really a theory. Its fact. Look at the revolving doors into private industry, how much politicians are worth going into office vs. leaving not to mention the way legislation is written in the US. Large companies and lobbyists run the country.
The big disagreement is what to do about it.
I am 100% the US government still partakes in inhumane experiments that were started by the nazis.
Will never believe the earth is flat.
I believe that powerful groups are pushing the Great Reset and CBDCs and the end of “free” democracies as we know it.
I don’t believe the moon landing was a hoax.
The other important thing about "the Great Reset" is that its not a theory. It is a conspiracy though not a new one. All WEF are is a marketing arm for world elites. The idea that this is not the case is frankly absurd. Many make it sound spooky because it make their conspiracy theory videos more interesting. This is a tactic that Alex Jones has used for years. Take facts that are rather dull and boring yet true. Then sensationalize them. It is kinda smart. Not only does it make them more entertaining it also can protect the person from being targeted. That is until they are a threat to the system. Alex got to much traction. I am annoyed with how he exaggerates. He is no dummy though.
The more I've thought and looked at the whole CBDC's thing the more boring it is. Its gonna happen. In some ways it already exists. Right now its just splintered. If you use Visa, SWIFT, or ACH you are on the system. The banks and governments will add new tools like FEDNow to the system and everyone will be using them. The dollar will not be replaced. It will just be how people use dollars.
So, my thought is ignore CBDCs and focus on bitcoin adoption/circular economies. CBDCs are the new "cashless society" meme. People hear about and get all emotional but do nothing about it. This is one of the things that annoys me about people that get to into conspiracy theories. They get distracted in figuring it all vs. freeing themselves from it all.
They aren't gonna end "free" democracies. They love democracies because people believe they have a voice when they don't. They want to save democracy. They say it all the time. They mean it. The issue is that democracy is a false god that failed to free us. Instead it allows elites to control the masses by making them believe they need politicians and democracy.
Sars covid was intentionally released into the world / Flat earth theory.
(I could be wrong on the former, but it would not surprised be if I weren't)
I believe in the 911 conspiracy theory and disbelieve the so-called Philadelphia Experiment theory.
I don't believe the "terrain" theory of illness.
The CIA killed JFK? Yep, I definitely believe that one. I just watched a very convincing movie about it. And honestly once you accept that this is true, you really look at the world differently.
Is terrain theory a conspiracy theory? I'm not very familiar with it.
Actually maybe conspiracy theory is going too far, for terrain theory. It's definitely popular with some of the alternative crowd.
I don't need to believe the CIA killed to JFK to doubt the system. There is enough in what they admit doing. Read "Legacy of Ashes". Its all on the record stuff. And it is stuff the average Joe probably thinks is crackpot. And that's just one agency.
Can't believe no one has said "The NSA created Bitcoin!" one.
I believe the hollow earth theory Don’t believe in the flat earth one
one theory I believe: CIA was behind the events of 9/11. It was a false flag. This will be public some day, when the perpetrators are gone from this world.
bonus: I believe in a hollow earth, or at least parts of it (South Pole, for instance!). There's more under our surface than science claims.
one theory I do not believe: flat-earth. I love flat-earthers, just not the theory.
One theory I believe: aliens are real and governments have proofs. One theory I don't believe: earthquakes are created by HAARP
It's all a story. Choose your story and that is your reality. A person who focuses on conspiracy shit, lives in constant fear. A person who doesn't allow for any of it, lives in disillusion. We all are on a spectrum. And in my view, non of it is real. Just stories that we tell to explain the narrative of now. Time is an illusion. That being said, we should be mindful which stories we send energy. Is the world flat or round, I don't know. Neither probably. It's all a story.
I believe we never went to the moon. I do not believe my toaster is listening to me.
lol, who believes their toaster is listening to them? Your phone and smart speaker are but do you have a smart toaster?
I know guys who believe you can pick up sound and data through all power lines. Idk. I've heard it.
I mean it's known that they're listening through smart devices. IDK how smart your toaster is but pretty much everything else they've got a line to it
DO - FBI killed MLK and/or CIA killed Kennedy
DONT - global warming is fake
DO - Govt spiking food with sugar to make people reliant on big pharma/govt healthcare
DONT - 9/11 inside job
I believe this woman's testimony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijJaCmbrDlw
Elvis Peesley didn't die at the time he was said to have died.
Crowd control with music
We all know how the story ends
In my country you see this type of control a lot. If artists design something, young people replicate it. If they drink, smoke, or use drugs, they also replicate that as fashion. Even if they want to dress in expensive clothes because artists do it..... Everything they mention in their music and that seems cool to young people they apply and that is leading a promiscuous, drinking and selfish Youth to perdition.
In the end the rats ended up drowning from following the sweet music
Pastafarism and ... Pastafarism
I DON'T believe this WiFi stuff is damaging. I was listening to a Once Bitten podcast about it, but just couldn't listen.
I DO believe that we aren't taught about money by design. Not sure its a big conspiracy though. Probably just incentives playing out
One Theory I Believe: Chemtrail
One Theory I Do Not Believe: That girls are loyal 😂
one I believe is the presence of a world dominant elite organization and one i dont believe is the flat earth theory.
The one that I believe, is that there is a plot by the Davis/WEF (Fabian Socialists) to radically control the population and is the reason why COVID regime policies were pushed the way they were.
The one I don't understand and don't believe is that the Earth is flat. That one is too easily debunked. I mean how could it have all started with Erasthones?
Believe Building 7 didn't collapse because the Twin Towers were hit by planes. I don't subscribe to any particular explanation for building 7's collapse, though.
Don't Believe I don't believe governments have been hiding extraterrestrial lifeforms for almost 80 years.
Extra While I do believe people landed on the Moon, I think the footage and photos of the Moon landing may have been staged or faked.
While I do believe people landed on the Moon, I think the footage and photos of the Moon landing may have been staged or faked.
Ohh, interesting, I like when people are able to think in nuances like this. Care to elaborate why you think so? They "lost" their real footage?
It's been a while since I've looked into it, but the official story is that they lost the original footage (I don't remember if it was recorded over or just thrown out). One of the space walk photos is clearly a mirrored version of an underwater training exercise picture that was also publicly released.
Basically, it's beyond belief to me that the original moon landing footage was accidentally lost. I also find it beyond belief that they would only fake one photograph, if they were going to fake any.
The theory that makes the most sense to me is that they knew photographic evidence would be destroyed by radiation (and maybe that they couldn't live stream video from that distance), but they also knew how badly the public wanted to see it, so they fabricated all the promotional materials.
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