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12/6/23 820012
Post what you want accountability for (or keep it a secret), how often you want accountability, and how long you want to receive accountability.
I will tag you daily or however often you choose to keep you accountable.
although personally I do not feel like I need accountability, would the fitness community of SN be interested in having something akin to stacker saloon with a low bar for general fitness discussion? I certainly would enjoy sharing my journey in calisthenics and martial arts with anyone on here that also enjoy proof of bodywork. would be highly enjoyable to zap people for proving x pushups or something similar lol
I like this idea. It would be fun to talk about fitness and training ideas. I did lots of martial arts when I was younger and we certainly did lots of strange training drills.
good stuff! what kinds of martial art have you experienced?
When I was a kid I did karate and judo. In college, and a little bit before, I did wushu and tai chi. How about you?
I grew up in a small town and went to college in a small town, so I took what was available.
I started with tae kwon do when I was 13 for a few years, quit that and spent 5 years doing nothing before a new gym opened near me, I started doing thaiboxing at 18 and kept that up for a year with some judo every now and then. one knee injury later and i was on the jiu jitsu and submission wrestling mats and basically stayed there only incorporating a little bit of mma training before the whole c*vid thing. Right now im not in a gym due to beeing in a foreign country for 6 months but will get back on the mats as soon as possible!
I like that idea!
Nice! then I will make a thread tomorrow inviting all the fitness geeks of SN to discuss anything fitness related!
I'm really good at getting my time in the gym, I'm a 5am get it done first kinda person. I'm on PPL 6x a week. But I'm awful at prioritising rest and recovery. Ice baths, yoga, foam rolling etc. and sleep. I always seem to sacrifice sleep.
I also never do abs... Like at all... Ever. I should probably do those. And maybe some cardio... Once a week... Maybe.
6x a week is great man! doing abs is generally not necessary because your core engages in almost any exercise done correctly. sacrificing sleep is the biggest mistake. icebaths and other things can compliment a good routing, but if youre not sleeping, its not a good routine. i would highly suggest getting cardio as a warmup, you can do a 3 min HIIT or 20 min SSC depending on your timeframe, but i also neglected cardio for 5 years because i hated it lol so i see where youre coming from
Yeah man, makes sense, it's what I tell everyone else when they ask my advice. But it seems I don't take my own advice haha. I hate cardio and I struggle to fit an hours work out in before work without pushing further and further into the early hours of the morning so cardio and even HIIT warmups just get pushed aside. Still like you said, I can't be a hypocrite, I gotta stick to my own advice aswell. Cheers 👊
I need to remember to do my body-weight exercises more regularly. I'll give this daily accountability system a shot.
Very cool idea!
You’re on my list!
Get it done today!
Done. Thanks!
if you make proof of work I will zap whenever I can
pass, unless I think of an acceptable way to do that
that would be a challenge and I understand completely, accidentaly doxxing oneself is something to avoid
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 6 Dec 2023
Excited to go back to boxing class tonight. Been sidelined / quarantined after finally getting the 'Rona.
boxing is based af, supreme art... Im more of a grappler but i have some limited experince with striking art and boxing, super fun.
For now I have been doing well in my daily routines for 2 months without fail. You have to strengthen the body as well as the mind
making the routine atomic is literally one of the most important things in exersice. One of the leading martial arts coaches, Firas Zahabi is a huge proponent of never beeing sore, quitting when you feel good and never doing more than you know you can do tomorrow. Keep it short, light and enjoyable so you come back is number 1.
I will try to do light routines, usually I only train one hour a day but they are strong exercises
more rest more sets! physical fitness is a marathon not a sprint, although sprinting is good sometimes. I personally only do 1 hard (to me) session a week, usually fridays when i have the weekend off. sometimes I do 2, but it depends on how im feeling...
It would be good to have one hard session a week and the rest of the week to have light sessions so as not to lose the rhythm.
I already started my calisthenics in the morning
What is your calisthenics routine?
Shukshma Vyayama. Every day. No excuse.
Was 85kg about two months back. This is by far my worst ever. November was 83.5kg December is 81.5kg
Goal is back to my lean 70kg weight. I used to look so good, and I want to look good again.
I am doing long fasts (between 16 and 24 hours) and cleaning my diet.
BTW how are you gonna tag us?
Love this idea @POTUS. Motivation does not come naturally to some. Helping them stay accountable and doing the proof of work has the potential to be life changing
Thanks! That’s the goal for sure!