BTC maxis absolutely are a cult. They refuse to believe that Bitcoin and the way layer one is designed have any flaws at.all. they are unable to look at other cryptocurrencies and see the advancements and evolution that some altcoins have designed into their blockchain. Instead, they refer to every alt coin as a "shitcoin" and a "ponzi scheme."
There's a reason Satoshi Nakamoto disappeared/remained totally anonymous. He knew the people that bought into Bitcoin would be all in and completely loyal no matter what the cost in the long run. He knew if he stuck around and revealed himself he would be treated like a god by those who bought all in to Bitcoin. He knew these people would literally worship him the way Catholics worship the Pope. He wanted nothing to do with that, obviously. So he left the design and what he fully believed is the future of currency/money to the public to do as they will with it. He didn't want the power. He didn't want the fame. He didn't want to be worshiped. He just wanted to give the world a gift and a way to break free from the centralized banking system.
He, unlike those in the Bitcoin maxi cult, was completely and totally selfless. You Bitcoin maxi's should learn from the one you worship and live like he did. Selflessly.