Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Big fan of more subs.
There are a lot of them currently already.
Maybe something like sorting them (non alphabetically) or setting favorites or something would be useful
Not sure what you did @k00b, but I can zap and post from my iPhone again.
Now I'll be able to post my Meme Monday Meme's at the beginning of the day instead of the end of the day and still not stack any sats off off them.
Thanks for fixing whatever was broken.
Price pumping, yet all indicators point to retail being skint. Larger players are joining the game.
lol I bet kr stackers would create fewer than 10 territories in the first month. We hit 10 in 2 hours.
Heheh. How long until a shitcoin territory is created?
when snpornhub lol
We can't afford to grow that fast yet lol
Haha. @ekzyis's Prediction Market would have sniffed that out early, I imagine πŸ˜„
Speaking of such...
@ekzyis Are you tempted to create /predictions as a territory? I feel like it could be a cool sub with the remind-me bot. I'd enjoy posting in there about what the future might hold days and decades from now. Could feed your new project too.
Mhh, thought about it very shallowly but dismissed the idea rather fast. Sounded too narrow for now. But maybe I can give it a try for a month πŸ€” I think I didn't realize that not everything has to become or be suitable for a prediction market in a predictions sub. But now I did thanks to you:
I'd enjoy posting in there about what the future might hold days and decades from now.
I'll sleep over it :)
I even mentioned to someone today that I try to think about the future when I am unhappy because they asked, lol
And so, ~oracle was born: #340188
I love this site
Listening all day to teachers... quite boring
One of the things I'm really impressed by the Turks is how much time they can spend with family, like EVERYDAY and how they can still talk for hours.
If you are joining them to visit family, expect not to leave till 12am, even on weekdays.
( being generalizing here, but I hope you get my point πŸ˜‚ )
Sitting back relaxing and sleeping like a baby with my sats in cold hard storage off exchanges. That is all!
Is there a reason why not EVERY wallet has an option for coinjoin? An optional option shouldn't hurt, right?
I stop doing coinjoins after 2020. Coinjoins were a good thing before LN. Nowadays doesn't make too much sense for me because I use 90% only LN (the 10% is only for opening/closing LN channels).
But if anybody wants to do coinjoins, I have nothing against... more sats for me.
Well you said it: opening and closing channels. Also everything with drugs or piracy or like bars with "Bitcoin accepted here" are not using Lightning yet.
Just having a static QR code and no raspberry pi or service is just way too convenient
Don't get me wrong. I wish it was Lightning everywere.
But like I said: optional options are optional. Is there any reason why any wallet app shouldn't have it
Yeah yeah I agree πŸ˜„ I should email this to Rapidgator (piracy site) πŸ˜‚
And no, they haven't read your guides. They probably haven't spend a minute with Bitcoin since 2011. We told everybody to just stack sats, keep the secret key offline and forget about it. So that's what these kinds of merchands did and still do. They probably don't even know what Lightning is
They probably haven't spend a minute with Bitcoin since 2011
Day 234 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 34 push-up(s).
Horse Stance:2 minutes 10 seconds pure Pain
Evening __@_'-' It seems you found a bigger toilet. ;)
I actually did manage to do 10 in one of the toilets at the airport, but I couldn't stay there long as I'm travelling with someone else, and it's not like I can explain what I'm doing to anyone IRL without sounding completely deranged
So I waited 'til I got back to the hotel before completing today's set...
we just busted through 43k... going parabolic πŸ‘€
damn... crossed 44k for a bit!
Going bananas and still 6 months from halving, fucking hell lol
My SN upvotes are getting expensive :P
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I think @siggy47 had a really good idea in that sat / cent parity should be the next major milestone
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I saw a stray cat the other day...
He's still pumping them out! He updates me over LN messaging lol
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Looked at his item count. 5885.
Damn he might like that number too much, lol
Or maybe he is trying to tell us something
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I felt so cool when my graphic guest book (site where anyone could draw something on your board anonymously but it no longer exists) had the name 370H55V_0773H.
Classic cringe moments in hindsight, lol
But I have to admit, I don't get 5318008.
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Ohhh, I even tried to read it upside down like mine but I couldn't make it out what it should be haha
But knowing what "boobies" means wasn't the problem, didn't see the 8 as Bs :)
But interesting that we had the same approach :) Maybe writing stuff this way is the only way you can have fun with numbers? lol
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Trust me we’re not that cool. At best we’re workaholics Tony Giorgio might be the coolest guy I know.
Lol nah, I'm also not cool enough to hang with Car and Keyan on SNL :(
Come on SNL this week? every friday at the lab at 4pm
Will there be a canary?
If there is I’ll give the ”look” on SNL
The world may be big But the same toy grabs their hearts Tug-of-war battle
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Thank you!
looking to hire a nostr dev, DM me.
105 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 5 Dec 2023
Hodl gets old since it sounds like you're still going to sell at some point
I'm not going to sell. I'm going to spend !
Not sure what I did right, my eyelash has been growing visibly since this summer πŸ‘€
  • could it be the water?
  • could it be the food?
  • could it be because I don't do any harm to them? ( no more mascara, nothing....)
I guess it might have something to do with the water, I just came back to where I've been staying and noticed people around me have so much nicer eyelashes and hair - why waste money on manmade things when nature is full of magic:))
Funny, I was wondering how you were getting on with that hair brushing tip I gave you a few weeks ago.
If so, could you describe what you did for others? If not, congratulations on finding another, seemingly yet unidentified, method.
I'm still experimenting it πŸ‘€ I would def share more if I notice anything is working:) stay tuned!
hmmmm, why don't we have a weekly discussion of skincare hacks! stackers reading this be like , Natalia you might be in the wrong place πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
maybe the pollution? Changing your place to a cleaner place could affect too.
could be, I guess all connected! imaging being surrounded by polluted air, dirty water, fake food, noise and zombies 🀯 no wonder people need layers of makeup!
Good morning everyone!!! It's Tuesday already, going a tad fast but overall wonderfully amazing, the holidays are almost here, haven't had the time to setup all the decorations, ufff not enough hours in the day for all the things, got to compartmentalize objectives so I get things done this week, let's do this!!! I wish you a flabbergasting day, let it be filled with love, productivity and success. You're important, what you do matters and you're awesome, never forget my good friend. Show this week who's boss and kick it's bum, be well and stay frosty!!
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Thanks my friend!!! We've got this!!
@orthwyrm Snail be too slow today..
Horse Stance: 2 minutes 8 seconds
Snail will be a bit late today. #338903
You own no property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a tenant. Legally, the term human β€œbeing” refers to an animal impersonating a human, such as a slave. Under the law, slaves can't own property. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session.) The definition of human being:
Besides that, property is getting freakishly expensive.
interesting, it really makes you think what truly owned by you besides Bitcoin 🧐
when I was in a village last month, I randomly check about the land price, since many of them are empty; and that made me think wait why we need to pay to other humans when the first few humans just settled and built their own home? so we basically need to pay the price for being born late? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Before bitcoin, most people glaze over when discussing money and finance. After bitcoin, most will continue to not get money. The difference is the money, and therefore the value of everything, gets corrected.
Keep stacking, stay humble. πŸŸ πŸ’Š with grace and understanding Have a great day!
Nothing like the Bitcoin Standard
I'm still stacking even with the recent pump. No such thing as enough sats.
Woaaaah woahhh woah ohhh, for the longest timeeee
Guys for real though I need about 5k sats for something important. Help a loyal SN user out.
Much thanks in advance. Hate to beg for it, but it's important enough for me to actually push my pride aside and do it.
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I you just hurl insults and slander me because I have a different opinion than you regarding bitcoins future and it's flaws. Just because I think Bitcoin needs to adapt and tweak some things doesn't mean all I do is talk badly about it. Sounds like someone doesn't know what constructive criticism is. Sorry that you freak out when someone challenges your way of thinking. Maybe you should learn to retort the actual substance of my points regarding the flaws of Bitcoin instead of just firing back with insults. Oh but wait, you aren't able to defend Bitcoin against the flaws I point out because they are completely valid. So you resort to ad hominem attacks. Sad.
Lol. Thanks for the heads up. Imagine asking for sats without explaining why someone should give you their hard earned sats.
I love how selfish you maxi's are. And by the way, I'm not anti-bitcoin. I was here long before this guy came around and he's the one who doesn't know how to respond to someone challenging his point of view. Just because I can see the flaws that need to be addressed with Bitcoin, doesn't mean all I do is shit on it. Nor does it mean that I support other cryptocurrencies.
guys, @Darthcoin secretly updated his post, with many details, real POW!
did you read also the part 2?
yes, with more details now, but not much change as Part 1.
Will your citadel look like this? πŸ˜„
btw... those videos with guys building in the jungle are fake... I hope you know that
(the daily snailpost will be delayed 'cause I'm travelling and you simply cannot do push-ups in an airplane toilet)
You can do anything in an airplane toilet with enough imagination
Lol. I guess your toilet at the office must be fancy if it's bigger than an airplane toilet. πŸ˜…
Safe travels.
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The muscular mollusc would be an awesome pro wrestling name.
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I always curious about how the zap reward from the pool works, and from my understanding, if it happens to be comments/posts reward days, the rewarded sats add to each comment/post, but that seems a bit like "number inflation.", and here is a case on how the reward works.
Now we are onto the zappings reward days, isn't it showing fewer sats when it does not reflect back on the comments/posts? But are these posts/comments less fun/good? not necessary, but considering many people would filter posts/ commons with zaps, at least I do this sometimes, maybe showing sats only coming from stackers would be better in both reward days? πŸ‘€
And the bonus of today - how to stack more sats in SN? there is a really simple formula: create + zap = stack more ⚑️
I like your formula. Makes it easy haha
In the SN pool also goes: shitcoiners flagging, jobs, boosts, donations. So the interesting part is that harder you flag shitcoiners, you get more back πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
harder you flag shitcoiners, you get more back
I did not know that.

@k00b top ranking for "Flaggers" wen? πŸ˜‚
shitcoiners and bots flagging
def need to add that, @Onions is doing great work there πŸ˜‚
Onions the shitcoiners slayer
toxic post 2 wen @Onions
tomorow (maybe?)
okay, because I wont be online later today 🫑 don't want to miss max toxicity!!
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Nothing is impossible with Bitcoin.
I don't know but I been told if the horse don't pull you got to carry the load I don't know whose back's that strong Maybe find out before too long
Something's got to give
Finally. I believe it will be the darkness.
Who poured themselves a drink from the top shelve?
Dean Martin. Ahahahh
Dean Martin! The rat pack knew how to have fun, but I heard Dean didn't drink much. It was just his schtick.
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I used to really enjoy the Dean Martin roasts TV specials. Irreverent and sometimes very funny. You should check them out if you've never seen them, though you probably have. There were some major celebrities who got targeted. Watching them now really shows how humor has changed in our woke world.
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Your point about personal resilience is spot on. That's what's most striking. Like watching Ronald Reagan laugh as people make jokes about his intelligence. Also, people freely joked about race, ethnicity, and religion in ways that are shocking now. All these current conversational barriers really foster racism and the idea of the other, I think. Being able to laugh about those taboo subjects really exposed them as silly, and revealed our common humanity.
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This hits home for me. I self censor constantly to avoid conflict. I don't want to come across as rude, so it's hard to strike a balance.
someone please create ~foodporn or similar sub so I start cooking again since I definitely can cook better than a lot of stuff I've been eating recently ...
But for some reason, being able to share the food on SN is a bigger motivation to actually do it, lol
what about a sub dedicated to @nemo? possible names could be "best of @nemo", "@nemo's adventures" or just "nemo"? Then it's even an insider since it's not about the movie or the fish, but actually about an OG stacker?
sorry, just teasing you @nemo :) i am sure you're lurking!
you're so fun sometimes, it actually might hurt your privacy in the long run because people won't forget you, haha
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It is with great sadness that I have to announce the halving has been cancelled until further notice.
human emotions are quite funny - I mean nothing changes in Bitcoin, only story telling and narratives keep changing πŸ˜‚
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