Morning stackers. If you're interested in the Broken Money book club, I just wrote a post soliciting your thoughts on the upcoming part 5. It started as a msg here in the saloon but got too long, so I made it its own thing.
(Now that I'm writing this, and reflecting on the other 'advertising' that I've done in here, I'm worried that it's annoying to spam the saloon with notifications of this kind. I guess I do it because it seems sort of like a "public service announcement" that you would make in real life; but if this is annoying, please let me know, and I'll knock it off.)
I can say, even as someone yet to engage with book club, I appreciate the tag and mention. More so than the spam ads of late, that’s for sure 😄 Perhaps there could be a small cost to tag someone, to prevent misuse.
It’s high signal and reinforcement for me to receive a notification and reminder to grab the book. To join the discussion. I may otherwise miss the post and discussions. Feel free to keep tagging us/me. If you’ve had complaints from others, remove them.
(To be honest as a SN feature I would also love a way to be notified when certain users create any new post at all. You would be one of those users.)
Go to their profile, next to the cowboy hat, "subscribe to posts"
If you do it anywhere else, you'll just be subscribing to that particular post or comment.
Thanks for the thoughts and the nice words.
Fwiw, you can follow stackers when they make a new post, a comment, or both. Go to their profile and click the three dots, and you can select from a dropdown.
Thanks Elvis. Can’t believe I didn’t spot that previously
We are all learning. SN is always introducing new features. I struggle to keep up sometimes. I usually find out about new features from cowboys in the saloon.
and we're struggling to make everyone aware of the features, haha
Perhaps there could be a small cost to tag someone
I think everyone should have a setting that allow or disallow tagging them. If allow is selected then a fee should be payed of which a portion should go to the user.
you can disable notifications for mentions, no need for fees imo
Now that I'm writing this, and reflecting on the other 'advertising' that I've done in here, I'm worried that it's annoying to spam the saloon with notifications of this kind. I guess I do it because it seems sort of like a "public service announcement" that you would make in real life; but if this is annoying, please let me know, and I'll knock it off.
I think the saloon is ideal for stuff like this. It's an unintended consequence, but a good one.
I think you're like I used to be a lot more in the past: You care too much :)
Not a bad thing, but it shouldn't make you feel bad about certain things you do.